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rich 1517 - a change of direction

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i have been sitting in a "waiting period" while my "ex" decides if we are to be friends or more.


three years together. she asked me to move in twice, i declined, once that it was too soon, the second because I was struggling financially. bottom line: i was afraid to take the next step.



so i am doing something new. i said take as much time as you need to make your decision, I would prefer if you reached a decision you were comfortable with then one that is forced.


Important note here if you are even thinking of this approach. i do not call. i return calls hours and sometimes a day later, she must intiate contact. my reason to her has been "i want to respect the space you asked for". I am able to handle the calls and casual hanging out.


she started calling more, again just chit chat, but wants me to hang out with her and her son for dinner.


she is a waffler, meaning she will not make an emotional decision easily. this could go on for months, i doubt it, but it could, i have committed myself to a weird path. she could very well be cultivating a friendship which some say is the best way back in. the path feels right and scary.


so i am resolved to no longer ask, not talk about it. hangout when its comfortable, and slowly move on. maybe she will follow. i have said what i want, what i am willing to do. theres nothing left to be said. now its up to her.


i will keep making myself more attractive to either her or the next girl by straightening out my finances and getting in shape.


any thoughts about this.

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I think it sounds pretty good bro. I only hope I can continue to have the same strength you had not to contact her. I still believe in my heart I will be getting back together with her, but I couldn't really tell you why or how. I say keep it up, don't bring up the relationship, let her. And keep making yourself more attractive, if not for someone else, for yourself. It was hard those first few days after the break up to look in the mirror and see those hollow eyes staring back at me. Looking better will give you more confidence...and that's one of the most important things through all of this. Keep having fath boss man, and if you ever want to talk to a guy in a similar situation love wise...hit me back sometime online or PM me. Have a good night bro, and keep up the great work.

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