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What do you all do to get your ex out of your head?

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Hey Everyone!

I just thought I might ask a question... What do you all do to get your ex out of your head?? I for one have a horse and I would say my time with her during the day is the most time I spend not thinking, rethinking, and rethinking again every little detail of every bit of my ex and I. I'm also going back to school and that should push him out even more. So I just wonder if you all have any hints of something you do when the schemes and dreams take over... Just thought it might help people out to have new ideas on how others deal with the constant barrage of thoughts....


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When I broke up with my girlfriend for the first time it was very difficult for me to get over. I was infatuated with her, so I thought about her for a very long time, several months. After that I decided that I couldn't go on like that so I started working out, spending more time with friends and just overall having a good time. I think to get over your ex, you need to be absolutely content with the idea that it is over, then you can move on. Some things help to help you forget about it, and sometimes you can just get it out of your mind enough to where it is no big deal anymore.

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As far as I'm concerned, I read, I go out, I see my friends for coffee, I go dancing (I force myself to do so, and once I have managed to go, I feel so much better), and I exercise (people have told me to do so for long, and it's only when I have started to do so that I understood why it was such a good piece of advise). Basically, as most people might advise you on this forum, just do anything that keeps you busy, very busy, up to the point that you had such a busy day doing your stuffs that you are so tired that you sleep like a baby (of course, if you're like me, for a while you might still wake up thinking of him, but in this case you get up and start doing something right away... for example, in your shower force yourself to plan your day and think about the people you're going to see, what you're going to wear, anything you can think about that is not related to him). If you discipline yourself this way, it will get easier and easier not to think about him and move on.


Ok, here is another advise that sounds crazy but worked for me in those times I was alone and had plenty of time to think about him: keep telling yourself 'no, no, no' when you started thinking of him and you and him...etc. I know, it sounds a bit crazy, but it worked for me, so why not sharing with others .


Hope this helps,


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Well here's what I do............I read that you can only have ONE thought in your head at any one time, so when my thoughts drift to "him" - I replace them with little mantra's or affirmations about ME....you know - like I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF or like I AM A WORTHWHILE PERSON AND I DESERVE TRUE LOVE AND HAPPINESS....now I do this over and over, maybe 50 times , seems a little crazy right? But better than the "what if's" and going over and over in our heads with thoughts of the other person. Actually that reminds me - my friend told me a great saying just yesterday, "Dont concern yourself with the what if's - just concern yourself with the what IS". Or something like that!! She heard it an old movie, Von Ryan's Express spoken by Frank Sinatra!


I also find exercise a great help though I admit to some days I just can't be bothered, but when I do, I have a CD Walkman playing "mindless" techno dance music, this keeps my speed up on my power walks and doesn't allow to my mind drifting back too many times to "him."


Hope this helps



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