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pill or no pill?

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okay guys, here's the story. my boyfriend and i have been dating for a year now and we've just started having sex recently. he really wants me to go on the pill but i'm not sure i want to. i've heard from friends and family that it has alot of side-effects like gaining weight and cancer...stuff like that. i just wanted to hear from people who are currently taking the pill...is all that stuff true??




please let me know......

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I was lead to believe the pill was only 80-90% effective wheras I think I heard condoms are 98% effective (provided they don't break), and I have also heard the rumours about it being linked to ovarian cancers, and various other effects which may be detrimental to your health - talk it over with a GP beforehand, and then make the best 'informed' decision for contraception with your boyfriend

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The pill contains chemicals called hormones. One type of pill called the combined pill has two hormones called Oestrogen and Progestogen. The combined pill stops the release of an egg every month - but doesn't stop periods.


The other type of pill only has Progestogen in it. It works by altering the mucous lining of the vagina to make it thicker. The sperm cannot then get through, and as the sperm can't meet the egg, the girl can't get pregnant.


It is a very effective method of contraception. If the pill is taken exactly according to the instructions, the chance of pregnancy occurring is practically nil. A disadvantage of the pill is that it does not provide any protection against STDs. For very good protection against both pregnancy and STDs, the birth control pill should be used at the same time as the male condom.


About 40% of women who take birth-control pills will have side effects of one kind or another during the first three months of use. The vast majority of women have only minor, transient side effects. Some of these side effects are: light bleeding between menstrual periods, skipped periods, nausea, weight change, bloating, increase in vaginal infections. Although it is difficult to predict whether a woman will develop one of these minor problems, a problem can often be eliminated by changing to a different birth-control pill. A spotty darkening of the skin on the face may appear and may be permanent.


The most serious side effect associated with the birth-control pill is a greater chance of blood clots, stroke and heart attack. These problems occur in only a small number of women who take the pill. Women who have the most risk of developing these problems are women who smoke, are over thirty-five and women with other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or vascular disease or blood cholesterol and triglyceride abnormalities. Other serious side effects are worsening of migraine headaches, gall bladder disease, increase in blood pressure and an extremely rare liver tumor. Some birth-control pills may cause changes in the levels of fatty substances in the blood. The long-term consequences of these changes are not known. Regular check-ups are important for early detection of these problems.




If you don't want to go on the pill, perhaps try Injectable Hormonal Contraceptive:


The most popular form of this type of contraception, Depo-Provera, involves the girl having an injection once every twelve weeks. The injection is of the hormone Progestogen. The injection works in the same way in the body as the Progestogen only pill, but has the advantage that you do not have to remember to take a pill every day.


It does however have the same disadvantage as the hormonal pill, in that it provides no protection against STDs.


I'm currently using this method of birth control and the only side-effect I have had is an absense of periods.

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DanRockstar seemed to have is facts mixed up. Condoms have a 15% failure rate in preventing sperm from passing through when used correctly, but few people use them correctly because it takes the romance out of sex. If you're looking for protection from STD's, that's the safest, but being that viruses are much smaller that sperm, and a condom fails to prevent sperm from passing through 15% of the time, I wouldn't bet my life on it. Some forms of the pill are more than 95% effective at preventing pregnancy, but you do have to take it at the exact same time every day to be that effective. I haven't had a friend on the injection, so I have never taken the time to look up anything on that. Apparently there is now a patch that is just as effective as the pill, except you don't have to take a pill every day. I still don't like those odds myself.

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Okay, I just want to state a little something about the pill... The gaining weight thing is a myth, your more than likely to lose weight while taking the pill... As for cancer, I have only heard that the pill can prevent cancer... There is a major side affect, if you smoke... By smoking and taking the pill it can cause blood clots which can be very dangerous, i learned that the hard way... The pill is 99% effective against pregancy only if you take it at the same time everyday, if you miss the pill it increases your chances of getting pregnant... It's your choice to decide if you use the pill, don't let him pressure you into taking it... Also, I reccomend to still use a condom when on the pill...

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I have herd that the side-effects of the pill are mood swings basically. I would talk to your doctor to get more input than most of us can probly give you. I would say it is very effective but I know that hormone replacement can cause cancer so if it is estrogen based I would be weary about it.

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Hey, I've been on the pill for a year.


Yes there are side affects but this is not true for every person. So you actualy won't know til you go on it. I've been Alesse and it is working great for me.


Besides this, my doctor told me everything about it before i went on it...from all the side affects...and if your doc doesnt', ask. Never dont' ask. Its your body. Take care of it right??


If you have any medical conditions, you should tell your doc. The pill is not advisable for those who smoke. I know that for sure because there was reading material that came with the pill. The Pill provides information about the pill itself and all of its symptoms and POSSIBLE side affects (keep in mind it affects like 1/100 women) and so on.


Many girls don't take it just for the reason of protection but also to ensure regular periods. The pill helps woman have periods on time so that they know when to expect it!

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