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Anyone got a letter 3+ months after from an ex?


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(This is kind of an extention of another thread of mine)


What did it say? What was the purpose in your view? Did it give or erase hope for the future?


Its been 4 months since our break. I know I have one coming. It is apparently a part of her "therapy". We have seen each other a couple of times, all fun. I have been NC, until she calls, at all times.


I just cant imagine what would she would want to say to me. She is "struggling with her thoughts and words" to me at the moment. Been working on it for 2 weeks now.


Squashing my hopes for the future? Her trying to get rid of her guilt?

Anyone have experience with this?


More info is here:

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Its almost 100% that it will not include an immediate reconciliation request. SHe knows that I think that we were made for each other, but that we both lost our way and that I lost my personality, and that we have to find ourselves before we can even think about it. I also think that there may be something or the future but its not now. She also knows I am doing quite well and have gotten myself back for the most part. Thats why this is so puzzling.


I just told her that I didnt expect a response from my email, but if she wanted to write me, she could. I guess she feels there is some unfinished business, or that she wasnt honest with me during the break up, or simply wantes to tell me that she is moved on and knows for sure there isnt anything down the road.


Anyone ever gotten in this position, and received, GOOD news or reason for hope somewhere down the line?

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I got one 4 months after break up. I am in a band with my ex so have not been able to do No Contact.


Although I believe it was a "closure" note that he sent to alleviate his own guilt, it was confusing to receive it 4 months later. Now looking back, I also believe he sent it as he brought a new woman around about 3-4 weeks after he sent the note, so perhaps it was to prepare me somehow for this and to make himself feel better for what was going to be an awkward situation.


I have to admit that the letter inspired some hope in that I thought if he cared enough to send it, that he must have some feelings but in retrospect I realize the letter had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him.

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I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, but either way, it just seems strange to revisit things now that we are pretty much NC and seemingly well on our way to moving on(from my perspective).


No doubt her therapist has a hand in this. She is working on expressing herself and getting in toutch with herself. So, this very well may be an exercise. Is this the most likely situation, that its simply her telling me more in-depth of why she doesnt want to be with me? Seems weird for a therapist to direct someone to tear off a scab, doesnt it?

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