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Does orgasming, not penetration,mean lost virginity to boys?


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so, i am jealous of my boyfriend's past, as some may know, and he has had sex with 3 other girls, with me the third person he had sex with and one after. he says he lost his virginity to me, even though i was not the first girl he , well, penetrated... but i am the first girl he ever came with, and the only girl he liked ( the others he just used for sex, and didn't care about)


I know basic losing virginity is penetration, and any boasting boy would disagree with me, so mature people only pls, but for boys, surely, as it is less imposing than for girls (if u know what i mean?) is it really cumming that defines losing virginity?


any feedback would be great...


Tiki Tiki!

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i dont think i need to go through the whole birds and the bees with you, not cuming is just an excuse im sorry but he was not a virgin when he slept with you. penetration, sexual intercourse is the whole thing. i mean some people are incapable of cuming or being attracted to several several people so could they use that excuse? no, they wouldnt want to be labelled a virgin just because it wasnt possible.


so unfortunatley, one as said above, sex shouldnt be used or seen like that and two no he didnt loose his virginity to you in my eyes.



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wow. i'm sorry, but i dont think that cuming has anything to do with it really. if a guy's penis has been inside of a girl, then he is no longer a virgin. my boyfriend has been with girls before me, and yes sometimes it bothers me because people talk about his reputation in the town he lives in, but i don't let it really get to me, because the past doesnt matter, right now matters.


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