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Close friend gift idea?


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I have a weird situation not sure exactly what i should get this close

friend of mine... She is a foreign exchange student who had a hard

time here, because her other classmates (other exchanged) didn't

get a long with her very well...


She is leaving in 3 weeks and we have become very close and she

gave me a Necklace today with a bird, and she said "Like a bird

they travel everywhere but they always return to home,

and your home is your heart, so I hope after i leave, you

return to my heart"


She does have a bf and nothing ever did happen between us, and

this is not the issue (just clarifying) so I have no clue what I

should get her... I've never had a problem figuring this stuff out

just for some reason i have frozen up with ideas?

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I'd go for something with meaning/s, like what she has given to you. Since she's a foreign exchange student, maybe you could get her a gift that represents your country (i'm assuming that you're not an international student). When she goes back, your gift will definitely remind her of you and her trip.


Just a suggestion.

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