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Update* She emails me 3 days later. Quick question


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Ok i know i'm over analyzing but it's interesting.


I mentioned this in my previous posts but i'll mention it again.

This girl emailed me before the day of the test. I never read it until after the test day. I emailed her and asked her how her test went. 3 days later i get a replyfrom her. it also said "sent from iphone". of course she asked me "and you?" which means i have to reply back.... i told my friends about it and they told me that she received the email but didn't feel you were important to reply to. should i reply? or wait 4 days lol


So many possiblities to why she emailed me so late.... why would girls wait so long to reply?



"will update...."


Here are my previous posts about her.





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1- I don't check my e-mail everyday, maybe she saw your message but didn't have the time


2- I wear a princess ring on my left hand's middle finger. it was a present from my mother when I turned 21, and I call it 'fool catcher'. has been keeping guys at large, and gives me the choice of disclosing my non-marital status just to those that seem interested and interesting enough. ask her out already, dude... you never know until you try it.

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I would wait to reply (not 3 days, but still...), so it wouldn't feel that I'm so instantly available - the more I like the guy, the more I push him off. perhaps because I'm one of those weird creatures that don't really know how to be courted.


superus, wait to see her in class. it'll be more difficult for her to avoid you there.

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well, i didn't email her. However, i mass emailed my group (which she's in) asking what happened in class since i was absent.


Should i still email her separate? All i asked her was how she did on the test and she wrote back describing how she did and she wrote "and you" obviously for me to reply. 4 days later i just sent a mass email to my group instead.

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as in she's not interested?


Someone interested doesn't usually wait that long to reply...


However, I wouldn't just give up on her and write her off, if you really like her.


'Faint heart, never won fair maiden'....so to speak.


I'd mail her back and let her know how you did in the test, ask other things also, because you are then giving her something to reply back too. See if she responds, how she responds and note her actions from there. You will sharp become aware, if she is interested in nothing further...

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I'm not going to mail her i'm just going to wait until i see her this week. I did send a mass email to the group and i did get a reply. it was from a guy! the 2 other girls didn't respond.


I'm still going to give it a shot i just don't know what or how i could get her number.

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