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Just some thoughts...


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So heres the story... my ex and i were together for 2 1/2 years... and hes broken up with me 3 times during the course of us being together. the last time he broke up with me was in Dec. 08 i didnt talk to him for almost 2 weeks.. and then he calls me and blah blah asking to talk and everything. It was like whats the point? you broke up with me... so move on.. this is what you wanted ...


Anyways.. we ended up talking about stuff and he pretty much told me he wanted to try to take things slow and try again...


i seriously thought about this... and i was totally not sure if i wanted to do this again. but the difference was the first 2 times when he broke up with me... and i begged for him to try to work things out... and he of course said yes. but the 3rd time... he told me theres nothing i can say or do... no amount of talking that can change his mind... its over... and i didnt fight back this time... i just gave up and told i know.


so i didnt talk to him for a while... and he told me to stop by his apt to get my xmas gifts... so i did.. and he was all trying to be nice and sweet. it so upset me and i started crying and told him hes a idiot and everything else.


then he told me he wanted to try to work things out and take things slow but i told him i donno, cuz i wasnt expecting this... i really thought we were done.


but i decided to try to work things out ... and i just realized i dont even know if i want to do this anymore. theres soo much crap of him that i have to deal with and i see that im trying to put more effort into this then him.


so i have decided that im not putting any effort into this anymore, and no more calling him anymore, no more doing anything... im going to focus on me myself and i... if he calls maybe ill answer and if i do decide to answer just keep the convo to small talk... im not going to tell him anything about whats going on in detail about my life anymore.




i dont know why im stressin so much over this freakin idiot.. lol *sigh*


anyways... just some thoughts.... and any other great advice for me will be wonderful. thank you for taking the time to read this.

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I should tell you, 'Just get a life' ! But I know how it is...and I have already done it once, he broke it off once and we got back together...then we are not together again and I still have a hope I will be important for him one day...It's like a vicious circle. But I do believe if you work on yourself, you can create a better relationship later on. But do not contact him no matter what!!!

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