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The Time Traveller


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OK, this is a bit out there, but I wanted to share my little thought process I go through every time I have the slightest thought of breaking NC.



I imagine that sometime in the future, when I'm old and grey, I have access to time travel and decide to travel back to today. I encounter myself, and give the present me the option to ask one question.


Of course, the present me only has one question in mind "will she ever come back to me?"


Either way the future me gives a knowing smile and looks off to the side as if remembering.


If he says "No, she never did, but that's okay, because you'll live a good life and meet so many other interesting and wonderful people." then I know that NC is best so I can move on and enjoy that life.


If he says "Why yes, she did. She actually did." then I know that NC is the best option still.


So either way things will work out if I just go NC, live my life, and let her live hers.


I know NC is the best thing anyway, but that's the thought process I use when I'm feeling a bit weaker, and it helps me stick to it.

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Good post. You've summed up the essense of it all right there: It's all about knowing that, whatever happens, you'll be OK. If she comes back, great. If she doesn't come back, that's great too, because as long as you're breathing, there are new opportunites to explore -- new people, new places, new experiences. It's never over until we're dead.

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