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i have a dieases


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Something is wrong with me, and it had caused me to age very rapidly. My skin is in the condition of someone much older than me, literally, and it hurts and bugs me, imagine is someone sucked the hydration from your skin, my skin is falling apart, it has no protection so it really looks like its rotting away.


And it is alll i can think about everyday for the last three years, so it has pushed me to suicide, i know want to kill myself. My body and good looks have been ruined, my life has been stolen, and the fun i should be having in my twenties and happiness is no where to be seen, i am shot, i am ruinined, i am no good.


The last four years of my life have been filled with pain, pain, and more pain, and sadness, and frustration, and unhappiness, and dwelling and obsessing and reclusiveness, and wearing down, of my body and my mind. I am really tired of seeing myself everyday, i am really tired of seeing some nameless diease that has torn up my body, i am ready to die, and i want to die. My sexuality is useless, i cant have love, be loved or experience it, i am only 23 and i am ready die,


All of my life is pain, pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain. I am tired, of feeling this way everyday, and there is no real escape, my skin is permanent, and my sexulaity is permanent, i can never be the person i wanted to be, so good bye

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That sucks.


Well at least you have a definitive reason, unlike others that post that they are just "unhappy with life".


Maybe it's something fixable.


Look into new medical technologies. They can replace almost every organ of the body now, except maybe not the human brain. Skin is an organ. There may be help for you yet and if not, there are worse things that people have and they manage to get by, so can you!

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Now this is a rough situation, buddy. I've read your post twice and I find it honestly to be a case that needs urgents attention.


Now I'm no doctor (just so ya know) but this kind of condition can grow out of control (in time). You have not posted the kind of treatments you've talked to. Have you spoke to your doctor or is it something that you have not dealt with directly (yet)?


Some friendly advice for you: your first attention should be given to contacting your doctor or if you have to get to your hospital and speak to a doctor there. They WILL help you, offer advice and give attentions to your condition. The longer you wait the worse it could become.


Take care, guy, and I wish you the best of blessings and I encourage you to seek attention for this today.



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Don't give up! If one doctor can't help and says there is no treatment, you keep going until you find the doctor who is willing to try something new and different. Don't give up!


Doctors are people, some are lazy, some aren't good with new technology or keep themselves up to date on new treatments. Some feel overwhelmed because they can't or don't know how to fix the problem.


Some doctors enjoy a challenge, are current with new treatments, specialize in just one disorder and would be willing to help. Don't give up! Your job is to occupy every minute you have finding that doctor who can and will help. Just don't give up!

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You must go see a Dermatologist right away. Please let us know how you are doing and if you find out anything regarding your condition.


When did this start? Do you have any symptoms? If so what are they?


If it itches try not to scratch it or it might spread. Perhaps try vitamin E oil, aloe vera (natural straight from the plant) or olive oil. Try each (one at a time) so you can see if there are any effects then move on to the next one and see if there is any improvements.


Sometimes when we have something visible on the outside of our body it's because something on the inside is malfunctioning. Your WBC's are probably working overtime to fight off invader....it might be something as simple as finding a good doctor and getting some antibiotics.


Please write soon on how you are doing.

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Let us know that you're still there and haven't killed yourself!

Pressure your doctors for information. Search the internet for people who have the same condition. Find out how others are dealing with it.

BTW, there are a lot more to human beings than thier skin! You're not unlovable! You just feel that way because you're suffering from depression. See a psychologist or psychiatrist right away. You can feel better!

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I went back and read some of your previous posts. There is one in which you said you were going to the doctor soon. Listen, if you went to the doctor and this person said your disease does not have a name, this doctor is obviously not at the top of his game or anywhere close!


There is no disease out there that does not have a name, only the ones that haven't been discovered yet. And when they are discovered, they get names!


If you went to the doctor, then you just need to go to another, and another, and another until you find one that knows your condition. That at least knows the name! Then, together you work on the treatment! It may be something simply reversed!


I'm not a religious person, but I pray to whatever is out there you didn't kill yourself.

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is it lupus?


Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease. In people with lupus, the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect. There are different types, one of which is related to the skin:


Discoid lupus erythematosus is a chronic skin disorder in which a red, raised rash appears on the face, scalp, or elsewhere. The raised areas may become thick and scaly and may cause scarring.


If it is lupus, then there are treatments available to help this.


If it isn't, I am still certain there are treatments available to help you with your condition.


Don't end your life. Honest to God, it is not even to be considered. Keep fighting the good fight. You are strong. Don't let a skin condition bring you down. Yes, it may be awful, but you can still live. You are still a human being.

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Ahh, sweetie, I know how you feel.

I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2007, but was sick for yrs before that.

I was always able to function. I live alone, had a great job, supported myself etc and one day, it was all taken from me.

I had to leave my job and try to take care of myself.


I went from being a vibrant, social creature to a secluded sick blob! My days have been really dark. Being alone and being isolated while sick is a recipe for disaster.


What I'm trying to learn is to accept my situation. Feeling different and feeling limited will make ANYONE want to die, but it doesn't mean you have to give up.


Make yourself some goals like accepting, getting well and finding a new way of living.

Many times illness is a blessing in disguise. Stick around and see what the universe has in store for you. It could be more magical than you think


PM me if you need to talk

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There is a condition called Progeria, it is a RARE genetic condition. It causes Advanced aging in people,

here is link removed


It may not be what the OP has but if you want to learn a little more about this and possibly understand better what the OP is going through give it a read.

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