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is he baiting me?


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When I went to defriend my ex on his newly reactivated second facebook account, I noticed two status updates that were clearly meant for me. One was an endearing reference to my wall, and the other was a compliment on a scarf I'd made and just mailed to him. Is he trying to make me break NC or am I reading into it? I don't know what to think, he's a whole mess of contradictions. He's rejected my attempts to get back together, but two weeks back, before NC, an innocent phone call turned very intimate, leading him to say "we need to take it slow" and then later, "this doesn't change anything." And if you're wondering about the scarf, I am too. I'd made it back when I thought there was a chance at reconciliation, then when I saw there wasn't, I asked him if he wanted it just for the hell of it and because I wanted it out of my house. He said yes, and then it was back to NC.


I'm conflicted. I want to defriend him and move on. For once, I'm not in pain and I'm really happy about that. On the other hand, what if he's trying to reach out? I tell myself that if he wanted to reconcile, he would have called and not left some stupid message on the Internet. Maybe he's waiting for me to make the next move? Or am I kidding myself?

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NC him,


sounds like he is trying to keep you coming, wants to feel wanted. personally it might be one of those, i just want her to fight for me type of things. i know im like that, when i push my g/f away.. i just really want her to come back harder.. you know the big stance.. No!. im not walking away etc.


and thats adorable you made a scarf for him... (personally NC is probably better if you dont want things to continue.) if you do, i say fight. you want it. go get it. and what was the reason for the breakup??

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I did fight, for a really long time, even against reason. I fought for so long, I'm at the point where I wonder why I'm still wasting my time on him. He broke up with me because of distance, which is not going away, so that makes a reconciliation very unlikely. I know what I need to do. I will defriend him. It helps to hear other people say it. Thanks guys.

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