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confused..VERY confused feelings...help, please read!!!

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my boyfriend and i have been dating for 4 months...but lately he´s constantly been nagging at me that im the one that nvr does anything for the relationship, and i supposedly "never want to see him", he´s even starting to doubt if i love him, maybe hes joking but i dunno!...and he says he loves me and he wants to marry me and eveyrthing, and i do too, exept...lately ive felt a little overwhelmed by his presense...he´s VERY possesive..i see him everyday of the week, and WEEKENDS and yet he STILL comes to me saying we dont see each other often....and he gets jealus cuz ii spend time with one of my close male friends and he just starts telling me alot of things like if he were my dad or something...i dont like it..and i really dont want to confront him with it because i know it will just make him angry...but i love him soo muich and i couldnt possibly break up with him....any suggestions??? PLEASE HELP!!

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Hello there,

I'm not so sure, but his possesiveness is starting to sound a bit unhealthy...

i really dont want to confront him with it because i know it will just make him angry...but i love him soo muich


I know you love him, but girl, if it's getting to you that much, then you need to communicate it with him. Relationships are about communication, and if you feel scared to tell him something like that, then he's definitely someone to look out for. Most overly possessive guys lay on the borderline of abusive spouses. Just be careful. It depends on his level of jealousy, but don't put up with it.


I know that you love him, but there are lines in which he should not cross. And by making you feel scared, that's enough to know that the relationship is borderline unhealthy. You should be able to tell him that it bothers you, and if he loves you, then he should be willing to be receptive of your concerns as well.

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