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Personal Experiences and veiws on Illegal Drug use.

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Hi guys.


I guess you could say this is general curiosity; Have you ever done an illegal drug? If so please answer the following:


. What drug?

. What was it like?

. Do you regret it?

. Where you caught?

. And finally, would you do it again?


I'll start (Sorry if the above sounded like a a questionarre, I'm dancing to East Clubbers.





Well, about 5 months ago I tried Marajiuana, and I have to say it is brilliant; The chilled out feeling and the way everything slows down and how everything is funny is a right riot with friends I have a joint twice a week and it really does help. I'm at the end of my high school year, I have tons of coursework, loads of exams, and I go to alot of parties (social smoking), I've heard so much bad mouth about it and tbh, the major effects only happen to long time users, besides the short term memory loss thing. I have never been caught and I don't regret it!


The second drug I have ever tried is Magic Mushrooms; Big mistake. I was in some woods, there were about 20 of us and my friend Johnny had bought them for fun, we all tried a few, I had 2, so I wasn't going OTT. A few minutes later the effects kicked in, everyone's face slurred and the woods came alive and moved with the sounds, image's from my past flashed in front of me and far away. Then some * * * * er thought it would be funny and screamed "BLAIR WITCH", I was almost crying. (By yelling blair witch, I began to think that we were being chased/killed, and I saw flahbacks of the film and movements in the tree's etc. I will never do them again in a woods, maybe one day later, but for now; Hell no!

And yeah we were never caught coz hey! it's woods? No police would think about coming in, as we were in the heart of about... 9 acre woods?





reply please!

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um...I was pretty explorative when I was younger....

Alcohol-I still drink but not like I use to.


Pot-didn't like it so much, just every once in a while. I get all retarded.


Cocaine-did it for a couple yrs, the last 6 months got out of control, went to rehab, could have killed myself...You couldn't offer me 10 million dollars to do it again. It took over my life.


X-did it when I was younger, eh...not so much.


Acid-did it a few times, WEIRD


Shrooms-a few times too...WEIRD.


Now the only thing I do is drink....occasionally. And once a yr maybe puff on a j. But that's it. I only tollerate the same from someone I'm seeing.

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. What drug?

. What was it like?

. Do you regret it?

. Where you caught?

. And finally, would you do it again?



-Used to be great, now it's meh, something to do out of habit/ boredom


-Caught constantly by boyfriend, parents and friends

-Yes nearly daily or at least every few days

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