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there is hope!

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It sounds as though you are doing really well and I congratulate you on that. I couldnt do the no contact rule but my relationship was much longer than you and we had an amicble and nice breakup...well as nice as break ups can be. It hurt but he didnt do anything hurtuful we are still friends now 1 and a half years later. Anyway as for your feelings for moving on too fast I had the exact same thing but I realised that this feeling comes and goes you will have your good days but be prepared you may have bad days aswell and you will feel like you are back at square one again. But each day is a day without your ex and each day you are stronger. Well done and congratulations.

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That's a good post and 'unfortunately/fortuantely' everythings that had been said is true ..... 8)

however ,sometimes i still remenber my ex , the wrongs and the goods and still wonder how would it have it been if we ere stronger and more in love , but hey this is life and even if it was a loss or a delivrance you must be strong , move on and have the strength to take a look at the sun and make the best of your life with or without ur ex ...


To all of you I'm so glad i found this site it gave me the strength to love myself and the guts to make my life better step by step

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I hope I can have the same outlook at some point. I know what I need to do, however, I cannot do the no contact because of our daughter. The only thing I can do is not show her any emotion and just ask her questions about my daughter and nothing else. I hope in time I will look back and say things were for the best, but right now I love her too much. She wants the divorce, I do not. I have to accept that. Hopefully in time we will both be happier. Right now I am not. I feel bad for myself and my daughter. After my pitty party is over hopefully I can heal.


Wish me luck.

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