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Having a Very BAD Dryskin problem in my FACE!


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I'm a very sweaty person, the most sweaty part is my forehead, I'm so used to sweat in my forehead that i can't notice it until slowly goes to my cheeks. I carry small face towel with me...Always. Its not only me, I think its my genes since all in our family Sweats furiously.


Situation. We're practicing SINULOG Festival at a close-by gymnasium and i sweat the hell - like every Practice. we have to do this till the jan. 17. So every time my entire face get covered with sweat i quickly wipe it with my face towel, and i think this is the cause of my dry skin. and the time we practice is from 8AM~11:30AM and 1PM~5PM (just this night 6Pm~9PM T_T)


Problem. My entire face is covered with dry skin and the most irritating part is in my forehead. even how much i wash my face, apply facial foam, apply lotion, and even put Moisturizing lotion. I still dries incredibly FAST and until now it hurts.... a lot, I cant make a clear facial Expression since today it now hurts badly.


What should i do i need fast answer because its almost 6:40AM and we have to practice at 8AM? Should i leave the sweat of my face drop - never wipe it?


Sorry about the Demands of a hasteful answer... this thing is just killing me!

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If you want a heavy duty deep moisturiser one of the best things is Urea. As for fast answers there aren't many I can give you, if your current moisturiser isn't working there probably won't be much else that will. If you have olive oil you can try rubbing a bit on your skin and see if that works. Your dry skin might also be due to a particular condition, like allergies. I'm not sure but I don't think your towel is responsible for it unless your wiping too hard. See if stopping for a while makes any difference.

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If you want a heavy duty deep moisturiser one of the best things is Urea. As for fast answers there aren't many I can give you, if your current moisturiser isn't working there probably won't be much else that will. If you have olive oil you can try rubbing a bit on your skin and see if that works. Your dry skin might also be due to a particular condition, like allergies. I'm not sure but I don't think your towel is responsible for it unless your wiping too hard. See if stopping for a while makes any difference.

I have no Olive Oil in here...will Cooking Oil do? I have experienced this before but not this long and agonizing, i Guess it might have been the combined forces of 1. Hot Location 2. Genes and 3. I wiped to Hard(But yesterday i didn't wipe it hard not like the last few days >_>)

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The wiping is probably making it raw and then exfoliating it heavily. Suggest patting your face gently and not wiping, and using something like microfiber cloth instead of a cotton or polyester towel. Remember, it's drops of moisture you are trying to absorb off the surface. When I'm at the gym, I pat mostly at my hairline and not my face itself unless it's running into my eyes or something. Keeps it from feeling raw.


Use a gentle facial soap like Vanicream or Cetaphil if you have that (and wash with your hands, NOT a washcloth). Vanicream also makes a good moisturizer, but look for something non-comedogenic for sensitive skin (maybe Aveeno?). It will take a week or two, but I think you'll be ok again. You may see some acne show up just from being dry.

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Only if you want skin you can cook an egg on.


Seriously, extra virgin olive oil is amazing. Google oil wash for some more info on that.

virgin coconut oil is the best thing to put on your skin...

OMG VCO is great! But it has its side effects... Its making my face extremely ITCHY! But i manage to ignore it since i'm on the move most of the time. BTW does VCO absorb to skin?... because i wasn't able to pat my sweat in my face and and when i touched it, it was dry again?!



The wiping is probably making it raw and then exfoliating it heavily. Suggest patting your face gently and not wiping, and using something like microfiber cloth instead of a cotton or polyester towel. Remember, it's drops of moisture you are trying to absorb off the surface. When I'm at the gym, I pat mostly at my hairline and not my face itself unless it's running into my eyes or something. Keeps it from feeling raw.


Use a gentle facial soap like Vanicream or Cetaphil if you have that (and wash with your hands, NOT a washcloth). Vanicream also makes a good moisturizer, but look for something non-comedogenic for sensitive skin (maybe Aveeno?). It will take a week or two, but I think you'll be ok again. You may see some acne show up just from being dry.

I patted it till now... we are having Lunch break at the moment and i manage to get squeeze some time to log-in. I dont have microfiber cloththing... " I pat mostly at my hairline and not my face itself unless it's running into my eyes or something. Keeps it from feeling raw." I will try this one out Tnx for the Advise

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