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Should I give him a chance..?

Seria M.

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its a long story.


This guy started liking me during our freshmen year in high school, and back then, I wasn't interested in a relationship, I wanted to focus on finishing high school and my studies. During the first few months of this, he started dropping off love notes in my Seminar class frequently, unaware that I was not wanting for a relationship right now. I have to admit, it was so sweet what he wrote on there (I didn't know who he was at the time, it was listed as "your secret admirer"). A couple of months later, he gave a note which gave away his identity, and I found out who he was. He's a guy I've been going to school with since elementary, I just kept to myself though. I wished I had the heart to tell him but I'm just so shy around people, and I found out that he is the same. He's a very sweet, quiet guy, but I don't know much about him. We're both hispanic, quiet, but nothing on a deeper level.



During our junior year in high school, we got stuck in Chemistry class together; he's actually quite bright. And I had thought that his feelings for me have diminished, then he sent me a Valentine's carnation complete with a rose and a message. He didn't deliver it to me himself, but his handwriting gave it away (was listed as anonymous again). I was very flattered, I even blushed a bit, but I still want to stick with my studies first. Again, I didn't have the heart to tell him that.


A year later, he joined the marching band (which I've been involved in since the start og high school), and I was shocked. He just started playing an instrument, and he became an expert on it, he was first chair after a couple of months. But I was still surprised that he joined band in his senior year, it was nice. At the end of the year, the WHOLE band practically loved and respected him.


But to this day, I kept wondering if he joined band just for me.


We're in junior college now, and I still believe that he has those feelings for me. He recently gave me a Christmas card with a cute ornament decoration a week before Christmas after we finished our finals and we were heading home for the last time this semester. No doubt the gift he gave me was so sweet, and looking at it brings him up in my mind.


I don't know if this guy is someone I would see spending the rest of my life with. But should I give him a chance? It's obvious....he likes me very much (And I doubt he would be stalking me). I still want to focus on college, but should I give him a chance?

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If i've ever heard of someone that deserves a chance it's this guy. You'll be really hard pressed to find someone that sweet and patient again. Going on a few dates and getting to know him doesn't mean you're getting married. It means you might find someone who you turn out to really like, or not. Not a big risk for you.

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I don't know if this guy is someone I would see spending the rest of my life with. But should I give him a chance? It's obvious....he likes me very much (And I doubt he would be stalking me). I still want to focus on college, but should I give him a chance?


Don't think about "spending the rest of your life" with this person. Just take simple steps and give him a chance. If it works out great, if not, then at least you knew.

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If you haven't figured out your feelings after four years then it doesn't bode well for a relationship. I feel very sorry for the guy who wasted all those years with false hope. Then again, he should have been smarter than that and invested his feelings in someone who wouldn't make him wait half his teenage years.

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I don't know if this guy is someone I would see spending the rest of my life with. But should I give him a chance? It's obvious....he likes me very much (And I doubt he would be stalking me). I still want to focus on college, but should I give him a chance?


If you're wondering about spending the rest of your life with a guy you've never really dated or actually ever gotten close to.....I don't know what you're really looking for based on what you know? Are you saying you don't really like how he looks?


And I would wonder who you would end up with if you try gauge sometime like this before actually knowing someone.


It's up to you if you're interested in him or not. If you're not interested, please be a doll and make it clear so he can go find someone else.

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