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What do girls mean by this?


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Hey, I'm almost 18 and everytime I've asked a girl out (about 4) they tell me like the next day, "just so things are clear n all... i just want to be friends". I'm really not too sure what this means. Could someone elaborate for me? Thanks. This time it would've been my first 'actually go out and do something date' instead of like school dance and date. (Those never really went to good because the girls always say they're too tired to dance)


I asked a girl on Tuesday after school and gave her this 3 foot plastic rose. She said she was free next Tuesday (Because going out of town this weekend). today she told me she just wanted be friends online. So, we're still going on the date right? (I forgot to ask and she just left) What do you people think? And since I don't drive, I was going to have my friend chauffeur. I already told everyone who saw me ask her that she said yes, is it a no now?



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not really much i can say. just make sure that you think the girl is a little attracted to you.. cuz it sounds to me that you are just more of a great friend to them.


What I would do is grab a bunch of people and invite a girl you like.. so that she can see you outside of school.. and determine for herself if she can see you as more than a friend, and it will be very good as well, since it wouldnt really be a "date" since other friends are with you guys, also it being less uncomfortable!


Hope I helped.. PM me if you have any more questions! byez!

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