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how accurate are home preg tests..4 days before periods due?


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hi ive been having some preg symptons...ie headaches, tired, boobs slightly darker etc

me and my bf have unprotected sex sometimes ie withdralw and once he came inside me this mth

i took a preg test today and it was neg...how accurate is it because my periods not due for 4-5 more days

i took clear blue easy

any info would be great

i no the box says one day of period but what bout 4 days before?

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pregnancy tests like most things to do with sex do not come with a 100% gaurantee. so what im saying is its probably better to take another check (pregnancy test within like a week) and see the results from that. i remember taking my friend to a clinic and she had to have two tests over a space of a week and a half.


still this doesnt provide you with a 100% accurate answer.


i think to prevent it though you should use contraception only there is an aspect of pre-cum let alone ejaculating at the wrong time 'by accident' so i would deffinitley buy some condoms for the next time you wish to have sex.



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Hi there, the pregnancy test should be fairly accurate 1 day AFTER your period is due (and that is the soonest you should take it) , the test work on a certain hormone that is released in your urine that is only present when you are pregnant.

It depends how much of this hormone you are loosing in your urine as to how accurate the test is going to be, because of this a NEGATIVE result can be incorrect, but a POSITIVE result cannot be wrong.


If I were you i would wait until you are 2 or 3 days late and then test again.


When i was pregnant I knew because my boobs were very firm and tender under the arms, this was the only early sign I had. I had many other pregnancy symptoms but not until later on, morning sickness (which I suffered with both times) doesn't usually start until you are 3 -4 weeks pregnant.


Hope this helps,




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thanxs for the info

i know my boobs are tender but it could be onset of period

i am very tired and i have ben getting 8 hrs sleep...could be anything

my areolas are darker but could be im just worried

thanxs for the info it was great

if my period doesnt come by the 15 ill test again

thanxs alot

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