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What's Up with My 36 Year Old Brother?!!

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Me and my friend have been talking about my brother lately. Here's his story.


He's 36, never been married.

He makes $100k per year as an Engineer

He lives in a 1 bedroom apartment in downtown Chicago

He has friends, but not a lot of friends

He's good looking and is casually dating

He asked a girl to marry him when he lived in Wisconsin 7 years ago, but she turned him down.. it just doesn't seem he has gotten over it.


Should I leave him alone or get on his case? I mean, c'mon, it's like he's just given up on life. Maybe some girls would think it's attractive to be 36 and single, but I have a hard time with it as his sister.

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if this may offer any advice to you..........

the other day a guy i had never talked to in my life(i was placing an order where i work) got on the conversation of being single, and being married.

this is all coming from a married man. "son........a single man in his 30's is like a diamond to woman.......if i could do it over again i wouldnt have gotten married until i was 40". i thought abouth this for a minute after we hung up, and it sorta makes sense. society has made us believe that being involved or married is a must to be happy. why does everybody always have to with somebody? im single, 26, confident, attractive, and make a decent living. i, like your brother date casually but really have no desire to take it any further then that at this point in my life. 10 years ago i was telling myself i would have a wife and kids by now. im glad i didnt.

i can do what i want, when i want, with whom i want. i have no one to answer to. in alot ways singlehood is the way to be. i feel your brother is just plain ok, happy, content with his single lifestyle.id say let him be. support his singlehood!!!!

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Should I leave him alone or get on his case?


I don't understand why you have to get on his case over this. Obviously one of two things is happening here:


1. You're brother is content to be casually dating and living the single life




2. He is happy where he is in life, but is still searching for Mrs. Right.


Either way, it's HIS life. He's 36, successful, attractive, but hasn't married yet. Marriage isn't for everyone. Maybe it's not for him -- maybe it is. But, that's for him to determine. What is "getting on his case" going to prove? Just be supportive of him -- whatever dating choices he makes in life. Getting on his case to get him to be with someone is not fair to him or his prospective partner.

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yahko....im sorry but what you just said is a bunch of non-sense.

people are getting married and remarried at all ages. you seem to have this idea that being single means being unhappy. do you even know what the statistics are for divorces these days? if being married in your 20's and being divorced and left with nothing in your 40's is something you feel single peole are missing out on.......then id say to you "wake up".

im making damn sure the girl i marry will be the only girl i marry. from what you've said i can picture you as the type of girl that always has a boyfriend and cant ever be alone. i dated a girl like that once......she dropped me like a 100lb bag just like she did to everyguy before me. she most likely will do it again to the next. your 20......you have time to learn.

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