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Valentines day a bunch of crap


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Oooh a day where people can gloat and throw up in your face that they have somebody...hmm kind of like they do...everyday!

First of all wouldn't you show your lover that you love them all year around instead of one misrable little day?

Secondly the stores only made this an official holiday because their pockets get fatter.


I say to hell with this day, the world would still run without it.


I'm out.

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i agree with you, to some extent. i think it's kinda nice if someone gets something for you, but i don't think they have to. i'm not one of those girls who's gonna get all pissed at my guy just because he didn't get me a present. just because someone buys something for you, that doesn't truly meant they like you all that much more...


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The sad thing is, there are a LOT of girls who will get all pissed if their guy doesn't get them something. Personally, I agree with Empty Soul in that this "holiday" isn't anything more than a holiday for businesses and advertising. I'm not bitter just because I don't have a significant other at the moment; I spent last Valentine's Day with my girlfriend and felt the same way then. In the days leading up to V-Day, her friends were relentless in their "did you buy her something nice??" and "you should take her out to dinner at a nice restaurant!" comments. Apparently these girls were very concerned with how much money their friend's boyfriend was spending on her, and I'm sure she was as well.


Another thing- doesn't anyone notice the sexist theme of this Day? Guys must pamper their girls while girls must sit by and expect to be pampered. This only furthers my theories on the relationship gender bias that exists in this culture. (Fun Fact: In Japan, instead of one there are two less-publicized Valentine-esque days; one for the girlfriends and one for the boyfriends.)

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I know we're not really supposed to put one-word replies or anything, but I just have to say "Amen!" to all the preceding posts!!!


While it's not true for every girl, I think quite a lot of them perpetuate this whole double standard when it comes to appreciating and giving attention. Then again, though, what guy really wants flowers and candy anyway?

If you're with the right gal, you'll enjoy pampering and she'll reciprocate and not take advantage of this occasion.



Mixed Mango

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I will have to agree with ck and chesnik on this one. It sickens to see a lot of intelligent men fall into this trap. The worst part is women think you are a "weirdo" if you dont celebrate it and wear red clothing on that day. Valentines day is highly overrated and needs to be thrown out.

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(Fun Fact: In Japan, instead of one there are two less-publicized Valentine-esque days; one for the girlfriends and one for the boyfriends.)


Yeah it's called white day. Only in American can you get left out because your a guy


Well I can care less anyway since this day is so bogus, I don't even recognize it.

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