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depo shot and sex drive


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depo shot, when i researched it later, is actually a very strong drug - too intrusive if you ask me. it is even given to women to cure some pretty nasty gyno diseases (endometriosis) and such. I think it just has too many negative effects for what it is.


me - the victim of advertising.

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oh great! i'm getting on birth control soon, and guess what i'm getting on. The shot! yeah, i saw in the booklet about decreased sex drive, but usually that doesn't mean that everyone who takes it will have those problems! and so many people have said that's what happens now... my other choice was the patch. anyone got things to say about THAT before i do something i'll regret?


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My sister is on the patch she used to be on the depo and it gave her really bad mood swings she says that she has had no problems so far with the patch. I think one of the only good things about the shot is that you don't have your period for most people anyways

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your one of the lucky ones every person I have talked to didn't like it. It had some sort of bad side effect like sex drive mood swings painfull sex. I wouldn't recomend it. It seems like the more you take it the worse the side effects become that your having.

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before going on the shot I would go online and really research it their are a lot of chat rooms like this about the shot. Read a few you might change your mind after reading it. With me I have lost my sex drive completely and have migraine headaches every day and mood swings.

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yeah, i already am not too excited about getting on the depo shot considering what everyone has said, my emotions are screwed up enough already, and no sex drive?! the patch was my first choice, but since my mother is the one paying for it, if she wants me to be on the shot instead of something else, it will probably be that or nothing... (she doesn't like that people may see the patch and know i'm on bc, like in the locker room.)


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yeah no sex drive at all!!!!!!!!!!! Have her read some articles I am sure she will change her mind really quick plus the patch you can put anywhere. The depo has different effects on everyone. Almost every person I have talked to doesnt like it. One of the nice things tho is that you don't have you period. That's why I got on it. However, You could be one of those people who continously bleed for weeks at a time. Think good and hard before you get on it. There is no reversing it and if you don't like it your stuck with it for 3 mo.

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I just got off depo after two years. My main complaint was getting my period for long lengths of time after not having one for awhile. The last straw was when I spotted for two weeks straight last month, and was trying to have sex with someone! I know people who are happy on it too, but I am back on the pill.

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  • 5 months later...

I was on the shot, and for the entire time (about 8 months) I had this never-ending period. Sex was terrible. Not only did I not want to do it, but on the rare occasion that I did, there was no lubrication. None. This makes for painful and/or frustrating episodes.


The reason a lot of people have had problems with the shot is because unlike the Pill or the Patch, which are COMBINATION methods that maintain your monthly cycle, the shot has only ONE hormone, and a LOT of it. It's no surprise that an extreme amount of one hormone would throw off your body's balance in more than one way. And think about it...if there's so much of that one hormone in one shot that you don't have to get another one for three or four months, that's got to be a pretty extreme dosage.


Now I'm on the Patch, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. But I've already made 2 posts about the benefits of that Patch, maybe you can find those by doing a search on topics with the word "patch" in them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depo shot is evil. Had a lovely girlfriend once... went on the shot and almost overnight changed from the most lighthearted, easy-going individual i'd ever met to being paranoid, depressed, and hyper-sensitive. Its true that its a very effective means of birth control, because it'll change your personality so that noone will have sex with you!

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  • 2 months later...
I would like to know if there is anyone else who is on the depo shot. Since I have been on the depo shot I have no sex drive at all. I have had probally 3-4 shots. Is there any way to overcome it. Will it go away? Any advice would help thanks



i have been on the depo for about four years and i have still have a MAJOR sex drive but it is harder to climax

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I've been on the shot for a little over one year. I have a very high sex drive, and I guess its so high that the shot must have barely affected it lol. I am always well lubricated and I have sex just abuot everyday with my boyfriend and on weekends (he spends the nights at my house) we do it 2-3x in one day. sometimes i find myself waking up inthe middle of the night and reaching down for his....and he loves waking up (at whatever time) to it However I am getting off the shot because I have noticed I get depressed out of nowhere sometimes. Also I HATE HOW I SPOT forever, sometimes its more like a period, sometimes its just spotting for like 2-3 weeks straight. I mean I can only wear so many tampons you know? I HATE that.... and the weight! I gained 10lbs (i am VERY slim) so the weightgain wasn't too noticeable but my clothes fit tighter. I've been dieting for 2 mos straight and I run 45 mins 5x a week. I've only been able to lose 5 lbs! Although its forced me to work out more and my body although with the extra 5lbs has shaped itself so it doesn't seem as though I have put much weight at all, as a girl I KNOW its there. and i dont like the anxiety the shot has brought me. so I'm switching to pill/patch next week. But as for my sex drive, its as good as ever!

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