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Gona stangle myself for valentines day

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Guess what im getting for valentines day? death. I dont want to live anymore im sick of these holidays im sick of bneing alone while my stupid ex girlfriend has a grand ol time with her new b/f everyone else is happy except me. well i dont care about me anymore or my stupid pathetic life so im going to tyr and find a way to die. suggestions would be helpful.

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no wonder your ex left you in the first place ! you dont even love yourself, why should other people love you? ofcourse it's up to you whether you wanna take your life or not. we dont know who you are. but i know that atleast you are such selfish bastard! you dont realise how lucky you are, man,....the only thing that makes you unhappy is one stupid female who does not even appreciate your existence.


What about other people? have you ever thought about them? have you ever realised how much your parents love you? your sisters/brothers, your best friends? what about your job? when you do your job, you are exchanging something valuable for other people, they need you. that's why you get paid. they appreciate you. Man....dont let one stupid jerk finishes your live....please...you dont even know what God has planned for you. Relationship comes and goes. it's the hardest thing of all, because it involves emotion, but everybody has been there. been dumped and rejected, but new love always comes, and you wont be able to prove what i've said if you decide to die now. But ofcourse...it's up to you....all im saying is, there is hope if you have faith and it will come to you if you are patient enough for it to come to you


when i die, i want people to see me as something, i want them to cry for the good deeds i have done hen i was alive. Now.....what would other people see you when you die? probably ? "oh....i dont wanna go to that stupid minded guy's funeral...he took his own live because of a chick, right? hell....why should i cry for him?" no way,.... thats pathetic, man.....damn pathetic

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Where are you at with counseling and such? We've been down this road before and you full well know that this girl isn't worth all the pain. What is killing yourself going to accomplish other than to deprive you of moving on to find someone else, and yet allow your ex to continue happily on with her life. Its not going to have the effect you are looking for - trust me.


You had made substantial improvement before. Don't let a Hallmark holiday like this throw you back into the depths of despair.



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Listen dude you need to talk to someone about how you feel. It sounds like you are being really hard on yourself. You are angry about your ex and her new man and you know it is not worth getting this mad over it. You deserve to be happy with you first. Maybe you should stop thinking about your ex so much and think about what makes you so unhappy with your life. It sounds like you have to find out why you are so angry and unhappy with your life. I mean once you die that is it no more life, love, friends, nothing. Death is the final stop and there is nothing else for you. Think about it this way, You are healthy, you aren't dieing of cancer or anything like that. There are too many people out there that wake up in pain everyday and get through life.

You have a lot to live for you just have to find out who YOU are. Stop thinking about V-Day because it is a Bullshi* holiday that was made up by hallmark. There will come a day when you will find that right person that will sweep you off your feet. The first thing you have to do is love you for who you are. You have a lot to offer a person but, not right now. This anger is causing you to be alone because you have such a bad attitude.

Do something you love to get your mind off the whole situation. Why dont you volunteer at a local hosipital, charity, organization. Do something to see that you are not that bad off and you have a lot to be thankful for.

Suicide will not solve the problem it creates more for the people that care for you. Your parents, friends, co-workers, and anyone you know will be effected. DO NOT KILL YOURSELF BECAUSE OF THIS WOMAN.


It is not worth it dude. Trust me there is so much that life has to offer you in the future.


Good luck and calm down.


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You arent alone. I been single my whole life. I am 21. I knew couple of guyz we talk and all but I wouldnt take it further. I know how you feel i hate looking at people buying their girlfriends or boyfriends cards candy and all that things. I work in food place so thats all i been seeing. I was reading the one post saying this is the best time to tell the other person how you feel about them on this lovely speical day. I just might do that. but then again i am scared that he think i am being too pushy and he isnt ready or something.


I think you need to talk to someone. What's other year? We made it this far. But I do have to agree if I was girl and I see you not loving yourself how could I love you? Please dont do this to yourself. You are going to hurt alot of people and maybe that girl down the road. let i said i am scared to tell chris how i feel maybe thats the case with you too....

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