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writing a memoir.


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As far as I know it only requires that you have memories. I'm sure that people have utilized even hazy memories and embellished in the thin spots.


I was thinking the same thing. hahahaha


To get it published you just have to find a publisher that is willing to do it. I would have your work copyrighted before you send it anywhere.

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I'm not an expert, but from what I know about publishing you have 2 options.

1. find a publisher that will pay you for your book

2. "vanity publishing" -- which is where you publish the book yourself and get a printing company to print it for you. There are many different options in this, some you need to pre-order books and they will print them, there is also "print on demand" where they will print books for you on demand.


The advantage of going with a publisher is that they will pay you and that they will advertise the book for you (i.e. it has a chance to get sold in Borders). The disadvantage is you have to find a publisher to publish the book.

The advantage of print-on-demand is that you can get your book published without the pain of finding a publisher. The disadvantage is that there is no advertising (no Borders, or lots of money).


I believe that Amazon has a print-on-demand service. Good luck.

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Years ago I wrote a book on my experiences with job hunting and all the frustrations I had dealt with job hunting and being in a series of jobs that may have been in my field but were not moving me anywhere career-wise. After I wrote it, I got it copyrighted and then I tried to shop it around. I had lots and lots of rejections. Turns out they all wanted a happy ending and at the time I did not have a happy ending to my story because I still wasn't where I wanted to be career-wise. Anyway, the experience of writing it was very cathartic even if it never got published.

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but how would you go about publishing and everything...

Take your finished memoir to various publishing houses. You will have to pay for the first couple thousand books, unless a publisher falls in love with the book. You will then have to promote it. If it's bought alot, they will start printing more, and you won't have to pay up front any more.

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