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i started going out with my girlfriend since the 3rd of this month and her friend told me to buy my girl half a dozen carnations and da carnations come with a note that i can write to my girl and i dont know what to write. i really like her but dont know what to tell her. i need something sweet. please help me write her something nice. i want the best for my girl like anyone would

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For Every Valentine I Missed


For every valentine I missed... First i would like to say im sorry for not meeting you sooner... i wish i had the words to tell you how much love i have for you...Second, your are what love is made of, you are my definition of perfect. thereforeeee, for every day I missed I think of the days I'll see you and pray that you'll be satisfied.


or another poem is....well not really a poem but a statement



In my dreams,

I have breakfast with you,

Watching funny movies,

While enjoying you company,

we walk on the beach watching waves,

And whimsikal clouds engage,

In a floetic bond of melodies.

We watch as the sun escapes from the sky,

In an sentuous array of orange.

I embrace you daily in my thoughts a thousand times.


Sweetheart hopefully that helped you cos i tryed....lol GOOD LUCK

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I think that it may be slightly too much going for a cheesy note and flowers when you've been going out for less than a week. I would probably go for something less profound - dont mention love.


How about something simple like:


flowers my flower?




I'm sorry I got you flowers, they'll faint in embaracement when they see your beauty.

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im liking the second comment on the last post lol. a little cheesey though.


anyway i would have to say, do something from your heart, with the amount of meaning that you want to apply. theres no point in applying something someone else has to say if you dont have that much depths or even if you feel more. its about displaying the right amount of affection you have. i wouldnt mimic (dont know how you spell that word) others saying. do your own. you know how you feel due to the answer to the morrigan.


just my opinion


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