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i feel dumb writing on this thing but i dont know what to do! MY gf broke up w/ me about 3 days ago, all i can do is lay around and thing about her. The only thing that helps me is talking to her but when i call it makes her even more mad. I have read the other post and they say to forget about her to move on, but i dont want to forget about her and even if i tryed i couldnt. She tells me she stills loves me, yet she dosent want to be my gf. All i can do is hurt myself (yes i know its dumb), it get the pain away from my heart and puts it some where else.


i dont know what to do, plz help

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Sorry that she broke up with you. But it is a fact of life that most relationships end. Now, what you have got to do is listen to those post and the post that come from a recovered broken heart. Time heals all wounds and that is the only thing that heals is time. After you hurt yourself does the broken heart still hurt. Yes it does so why hurt yourself? You are young and have yet to learn that there is another out there ( I know that you do not want another yet, but in time you will). By hurting yourself you are doing nothing more than avoiding the pain that has got to be dealt with. You must deal with this pain and stop hurting yourself. If you need help in dealing with the pain then go and see your school counsellor. Go and see the counsellor because you are crying out for help and the counsellor is going to help you.


Now, read the posts by the Morrigan. See if they don't help you realize that you are not alone and there is a way for you to deal with the pain.



PM me if you need to talk. I have been where you are now and the only thing that you need to know is that time truly does ease all pain. Also, do the best you can with the no contact thing and see if you don't heal a little easier. Stop calling her, You'll just push her into hating you and right now you don't want that. Stop all contact with her. Take some time to work on yourself. Go out and live alittle and see that there is life after her.



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