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Bad rash after shaving my legs


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Hi, I have been having this problem for a while. After shaving my legs, I usually end up with a pretty bad rash; my skin becomes very very itchy, inflamed and I get some red bumps in some places, and colorless bumps as well


I know it's not unusual for people to get some shaving bumps/irritation, but mine seems really severe. The irritation can last for two or three days.


-I always shave with something moisturizing

-I also moisturize well after shaving

-I use a good/new blade when i shave

-I try to be gentle when i'm shaving


What do you think could be causing this


When I shaved this evening, I tried something a bit different tho. I decided to exfoliate my legs beforehand (someone suggested that i should do that) i mixed in a little bit of sugar with my soap to act as a natural exfoliator. My legs feel ok for now, but the rash usually pops up within 3-4 hours, so i don't know yet.


thanks for any help!

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I have very sensitive skin and especially around this time of year I can experience problems like you are describing. The cold, dry weather exacerbates the symptoms.


So I make sure that I shave always after a warm bath, and make sure to use a shaving foam/gel that doesn't have fragrance or colors that may irritate my skin even more, as I'm allergic to a lot of chemical additives. Sometimes, I just have to use Aveeno soap liberally if I'm shaving with a straight razor.


If all else fails, you may want to invest in a quality electric razor. You'll have to shave more often but the savings on the condition of your skin may be worth it--I know it is for me!

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thanks everyone for your suggestions!

I think that i'm pretty gentle when i shave, but i might have to be more gentle i guess. I might also try applying aloe vera as well.

I usually shave outside of the shower, but i've heard that shaving in the shower is better (since the warm water softens the hair follicles). This time i did it in the shower though. It's now been a few hours, and there is no sign of irritation yet. Maybe the exfoliating helped a bit?

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