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PLEASE HELP.."Taking a Break"...does this mean it'

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My boyfriend (or ex, I'm not sure) and I have been seeing each other for a couple of months. Things were really incredible; we both began to fall hard and fast...kind of like a fairytale. We did so much together in such a short amount of time, spent so much time together, were essentially inseperable. One night after a particularly wonderful evening (about three weeks in) he decided that it was too much too fast and it scared him; he wanted to slow down. he was afraid it would all disappear as quickly as it happened. I was devastated. Later that night, he apologized, begged me to forgive him. I did, but I'd become uncertain, insecure...afraid of what might or might not happen next. So I began to have episodes of uncertainty. I'd get emotional. Then we began to argue. A week later, after a particularly unpleasant argument, he told me his feelings had changed; he wasn't sure what was going to happen. He didn't want to break up, but his heart told him to take a few steps back and see what happened...he just wanted to make me aware of what was going on. I became a basketcase. I wanted to break it off...I pulled away, he pulled me back in. So we stayed together. Things would be okay for a week, then we'd go out and I'd either end up crying or we would have an argument. Didn't happen all the time, but we had a few bad arguments...all stemming from the fact that I had become extremely worried/afraid of getting hurt...and I was hurt, because his feelings/behavior seemed to change from day to day. He was completely unpredictable. Last Sat, something happened while we were out. I drank too much and blew up...we had a horrible argument. The next day he told me he didn't want to see me anymore. He said my behavior had changed everything; his feelings "today" werent what they were yesterday. I debated with him; I didn't understand how he could just walk away from it without giving things a chance to work themselves out. We'd had three or four incredible weeks, and then three weeks where things were rocky and emotional. Finally, at the end of the discussion, he told me we could continue seeing each other, but things were going to change. He didn't feel the same and it would not be on the level that it was. He agreed to take some time and see what happens. But if we weren't breaking up, he needed a break...some time to be alone. Some space. He didn't call at all for three days. Then something happened on my end and I asked him to call me. He did. We chatted normally as though nothing was wrong...but he made no mention of seeing me at all, and he ended the call with, "I'm sure I'll talk to you sometime soon." I'm not sure when "soon" might be...not sure what I should do...not sure if we are together or if he really broke things off but just let things slide to appease me. How long do I wait before asking him whether or not we will really work on this? I don't plan on calling again, but it's so incredibly difficult. If he hasn't called or asked to seem me in a week or two, do I just assume it's over? do I ask him in a week if he wants to go see a movie or something? This is a man who called me five times a day and wanted to see me six hours at a time, at least three days a week (often more) on average. Now he acts as though I mean next to nothing...not in our conversations...but through his actions. When he hangs up, he is very noncommittal and withdraws. PLEASE HELP. I have NO idea what to do.

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Hello MarieClaire,


I am sorry to know that you and your ex-boyfriend aren't working out lately and that things are getting difficult for you to cope.


From what you have written, I felt this guy is simply using you for some fun, that is why relationship that develop to quick isn't good for that reason.


My advice to you is to let go of him and cut off all the contact. He is simply making excuses to break up with you. Thus, whatever you do that is correct will only be incorrect in his eyes.


It is hard for you to accept now, but from other people experiences it is best in your interest to forget him and no need to contact him to confirm the end of a relationship.


Wish you luck in your recovery.


Special One.

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I agree with the other poster. Let this go. No contact is the way to do it, trust me on this. It sounds like this guy is uncertain about what he wants and it also sounds like he's using you to some extent. He has all the power here and he knows it. Take back your own power by not contacting him at all. If he wants to call you can decide if you want to see him, but frankly, it sounds like he's playing you.


I know how hard these situations are, boy do I know! But let me tell you that you do not want to deal with this guy who is going to pull you in, then back off, pull you in, then back off. It's not healthy for you. Go on with your life and find someone worth your time. Also, I'd caution you about falling too hard, too fast and spending too much time right away with someone. I've made that mistake before and had a similar situation to yours.


Hang tough!

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I know from experience that above all addictions, is the addiction to a person...their voice, their smile, their touch. It's very hard to let go of. I also know we find it difficult to follow the ideas & advice of others, you will do - ultimately - what you are driven to do, most likely - right or wrong. That being said I CAN tell you the RIGHT answer, as difficult as it is.


REGARDLESS of whether he really likes you still, or doesn't want to be with you, NOT calling him is the right choice in both scenarios.




If it's over: you will avoid extending your grief - by exposing yourself to his lack of emotion and/or waiting days on end for calls to be returned that never will.


If it's NOT over: he already knows you want to be with him, so he will come to you when he's ready, and in the meantime - you retain your dignity and have a chance to decide if it's over for YOU without him interfering in YOUR decision process. Afterall, you have trust issues with him, as you've said.


If it really is over:

- stay busy

- tear your mind away from thoughts of him by force. (Don't listen to sad music or write poetry about him!!)

- Promise yourself each day, that just for today, you won't call...but can think about it again tomorrow.

- Write down the reasons why it's a really bad idea to phone him...(i.e. - making a fool of yourself if he really has discarded you!) and the reasons why he's not a good match for you anyway.

- Call your girlfriends when you get the urge, or leave the house and go spend money, or do whatever it is you do to deal with stress - take a bath maybe, or a nap. It will get easier after a few days.


If you can do this, I can promise that underneath the ache you feel each night before you go to sleep, you will feel prideful and increasingly stronger.


Remember, most importantly though...


This Too, Will Pass.


Good luck, Sweetie.

From: Someone-who-may-need-to-take-her-own-advice-Really-Damn-Soon.

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He called on Friday; I was at work, he just wanted to talk. I told him I'd call him the next day, and I did. He didn't call all day Saturday. I had the feeling he'd gone to the city to be with friends. This morning I got a phone call...he had gone into the city and said he didn't get my message yesterday. He was taking the train back, but he had no one to pick him up. His cell was about to die and he couldn't get hold of his sister or his mom (they were still at mass/church). I offered to try to get his sister for him, but he said her cell was off. Long story short, I ended up picking him up. Now I feel terrible. If he hadn't called "just because" on Friday, I don't think I'd have gone. But he knows what kind of person I am...I do anything for the people I care about.


He mentioned something that he wanted to do together, but we didn't "make plans". I am so confused. Part of me knows that if he called Friday, he misses me...maybe the ice is beginning to thaw. Maybe he really did just get scared, or need time and space. Maybe my actions did push him away. He could have called someone else to pick him up today. The other part of me feels like I'm being played. Maybe he tried to call someone else and I was all he had left. I don't know. All I do know is I won't call him. I didn't before, and I won't now. I just miss him so much that sometimes it hurts to breathe.

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