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I managed to screw this up and I don't know how

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OK here's the situation (people who have read my previous posts might already be familiar with my story) It started just before xmas when I asked a girl (charlie) out from work. We started texting each other and it became obvious we had a mutual attraction. Anyway, I went home from uni for xmas and when I got back it seemed that whatever was there before the holidays wasn't there anymore. We don't text each other (she says she has no credit all the time) and last weekend I got really drunk and texted her saying that i really fancy her and want to take her out and be her boyfriend for real. Normally I wouldn't be that open about my feelings, and nothing I wrote was untrue. When I phoned her tonight I apologised for sending it to her and really badly wanted to tell her that even though I was drunk I still meant it. But she didn't seem to bothered about what I'd wrote, it was obvious that it hadn't made her think about me as much more than a friend.


Now I'm really fed up, because I really liked her and really wanted it to work out. I can't see where my next relationship is going to come from. Not that I ever get round to having proper relationships as I manage to screw them up without any help from the other person.


Please someone tell me where I went wrong!!

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