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hat hurts the most


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I know exactly what you mean. It makes you feel like the time spent together and the memories doesn't mean anything. But it's better to find out now than later. I think we should just move on like they were a distant memory as well. And I am sure that everyone here will find someone that will make them happy. It just takes time.

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ouch, yes, that is painful. i'm so sorry


my boyfriend and i just broke up about 5 minutes ago, so maybe i'm not the best at advice right now. but what i'm thinking is that i deserve to be with someone who can really put his heart into our relationship. it hurts a lot that his heart wasn't in it, and he'd sooner give up on us than try to improve things.


you deserve to be with someone who is devoted to you. first you have to get over the pain of losing the one who has your heart. that is very painful, i know, as i am about to embark on that grueling process. but you can move on and then eventually have your heart open to someone who will also have theirs open to you.



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My husband and I recently separated, he was arrested for beating the heck out of me. He got out of jail and is staying with his parents. His family says the reason he beat me is we aren't the same race and I don't know how to be with his race. I thought his family accepted me as their own people. We have a child together and now they turn on me like this? What hurts the most is my husband is not telling them that is a horrible thing to say or that he was wrong to hit me regardless of what race I am. He just goes along with them. I am so mad at all of them!!

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My husband and I recently separated, he was arrested for beating the heck out of me. He got out of jail and is staying with his parents. His family says the reason he beat me is we aren't the same race and I don't know how to be with his race. I thought his family accepted me as their own people. We have a child together and now they turn on me like this? What hurts the most is my husband is not telling them that is a horrible thing to say or that he was wrong to hit me regardless of what race I am. He just goes along with them. I am so mad at all of them!!


Some ppl have no class. Different race? I'd doubt they are the same species. Once they evolve to human maybe they can have an opinion at that point. Pathetic. I'd mention to his family that maybe if he had been raised right, he'd know not to hit his wife.


I'd take not being accepted as a compliment.


I'm Sorry you had to deal with that.

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it's not okay for anyone to hit you. ever. whatever excuse he makes for it, it's always wrong and he is a coward for doing it... and a coward for trying to pin the blame on you. it isn't your fault. nothing you could ever do could justify him laying a hand on you. do not listen to him or anyone else if they tell you anything different. it is also ignorant to blame race as any sort of justification for his behavior. you can't change your race or ethnicity, it's just part of you... given the history of racism in the world, it was probably just the easiest thing for him to blame. you take care of yourself and your child. those are literally the only things in the world that should matter now. keep both of you safe. you did not do anything wrong, so don't listen to any of his justifications of why it was an acceptable thing for him to do.

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