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SO if i am rolling around naked in bed with another person, both of us exposed with precum, and semen being excreted what are the std risks..and some oral to, and hands all over one another, with probably remnants of fluids on the hands to some degree. I've always assumed that if any fluid touches my urethra of an infected person I will become infected, is that correct, IF the pee hole is exposed and fluids are around is it a major risk??? Not forcefully penetrating anything, just me having my penis exposed in a sitaution where we are both letting out some precum and semen, and just rolling around together?? HOw DANGEROUS IS THIS??

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If it is possible for you to talk to a healthcare provider that would be good-- at some sort of community clinic maybe? You really should have a good one-- that knows how to explain stuff and it comfortable talking about such things-- that would be ideal. Every STD has different transmissions-- some just from skin-to-skin contact even without precum/semen, and others that have to enter through more sensitive/vulnerable parts (like inside the semen). There is different levels of protection to different STD's. Like you can get herpes just from skin-to-skin contact, whereas HIV is actually not as easy to pass as people think-- women are definitely more vulnerable than straight men, though gay/bisexual men are at highest risk because of the type of sex (anal) that they have. So... basically you should try to protect yourself as much as possible. But don't freak out-- if you had an experience you are particularly worried about talk to a healthcare provider you feel comfortable with about getting tested-- and learn about the different ways to protect yourself and how to use a condom appropriately.


It's actually really important to use a condom correct, because people like to rub around and mess around with fluids without one first-- and that isn't safe!

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It isn't very dangerous unless you have open cuts (AIDS/Herpes) or an out break (Herpes/Warts)


I wouldn't panic or any thing but I would get checked a few times a year so you know your own status and urge your partner/s to as well. It really helps with piece of mind.

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I believe catching the AIDS virus is a little bit like any other virus in that your system needs to be briefly overwhelmed for the virus to take hold. You can be around people forexample who have colds but if your immune system is strong, got lots of rest etc. chances are lower that you will catch the cold. What you are describing is a failry low risk, oral sex is another one that is a fairly low risk, but I wouldnt call it no risk.

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