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text message nightmare

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hi all!


Me and this girl (charlie) from work have been interested in each other since just before christmas. We haven't been on a proper date yet (we always seem to be busy) which is something i hope to resolve as soon as possible. Anyway, my problem is that I went out last saturday and got very very drunk and decided to text her. Looking at the text in the cold light of day is very embarrassing, and I've had no reply from her yet. Basically I said i'd love to take her out and make her my girlfriend (by the way, when can you start referring to someone as your girl/boyfriend?) and a few other things besides. I've been working up to phoning her since (we won't meet again at work till next saturday) but haven't got the nerve, because she'll either love me or hate me.


If anyone's been in a similar situation I'd love to hear from you.



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I think everyone has been in your position somewhat at one time or another. Although mine was while I was drinking and I called her. I can say you should call her and find out if she received your text message. If she did then I would appologize to her if you were out of line. Just tell her that you want to take her out to make it up to her if it is cool with her. Don't be afraid because the worst thing that can happen is she will say no. then you know where you stand and you can set your sights on someone else. Never be afraid to go for something that you want because you will never know whaat will happen till you just do it.


Go for it because you have nothing to lose.


Good luck,


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