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Im So Sad, need to vent, need some suggestions.

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Hey everyone,

Lately Ive been almost depressing myself over this topic. I am completely in love with my friend. I think about him 24/7 honestly. When I go to sleep I say my prayers for him, and fall asleep with him on my mind every night. When I wake up in the morning and get ready for my day, its him Im thinking of. I get in my car, play love songs and hold back the tears, because I want to share them with him. He is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I look forward to coming home at night and talking to him. When I talk to him ( online ) I have the biggest smile on my face. Im so happy and forget all my troubles and worries. Everything that bothered me disappears. I can tell him anything in the world, adn I trust him with everything.


The problem is this though. I only talk to him online, and I havent seen him in soooooo long. Im driving myself insane every day I cant see his face. Pictures dont help me. I want to see him in person, I want to touch him and feel safe with him there. And I also aside from that like to hear his voice on the phone, online is so boring to talk to someone, I need to hear emotion and his laugh. ( But Im to shy to ask for a number. )


Since I met him in October of 2002, this has been wahts going on. And, I told him 2 times that I like him. I poured my heart out like I am now, to him. Obviously we arent together. But we still are close friends and I love him more than anything. I bet you will say I cant love him, but I do. If not love -love, than friendship - love. But i do.


My friends do not approve of him at all. They dont like him. I cannot talk to them about these feelings, because i get eye rolls and "I dont wanna hear it" from them. They can talk about all their crushes and all their lives, but when it comes to me, Im just a shoulder to cry on, and they wont lend me theirs back. So I hold all my feelings inside and its driving me absolutey crazy. The one person i want to talk to about my problems, and he's the main reason Im having them.


I really dont know what to do, I want to see him so badly. Every weekend I tell myself that I will ask him to go out to the movies or the mall or ne where. But I never do. i dont know how to ask, or what to ask. I want to take him to my prom at the end of March, but im so afraid to ask. And im really self conscious and i think he will hate the dress I pick or the way I dance lol. He means more to me than ne thing on this earth. I wanna be with him more than i want the sun to rise every morning, or having a summer breeze sweep accross your face.


How can I see him, like how can I ask? How can I ask to talk to him on the phone? And do u think I should deffinitly NOT tell him I like him again It woujld be the third time, does that scare away guys, it would be very awkward. ( By the way he probly thinks Im over him since I had a bf a little while ago - which could give the impression I am over him. )

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You said:

How can I see him, like how can I ask? How can I ask to talk to him on the phone?


The simple truth is just tell him that you would like to meet him. Either ask him for his phone number and if you get it then yu know he wants a more personal conversation or give him yours, but if you do this then you have to wait for him to call. Tell him that you would feel more like talking on the phone.


You said:

And do u think I should deffinitly NOT tell him I like him again It woujld be the third time, does that scare away guys, it would be very awkward


Yea, I would definetly not tell him again until you know that he is reciprocating those same feelings. It may not chase him away, but may make him feel uncomfortable.


You said:

I want to take him to my prom at the end of March, but im so afraid to ask.


well, feel free to ask him and if by then you know that he does not feel the same way as you do then just ask him as a friend and let him know that. The prom is a important part of high school life and should be attended by someone that you want to be there. So, I say go for it and ask him to the prom. What do you have to lose?


You need to work on your confidence. COnfidence is an attitude and nothing more. If you know that you are the best girl for him, then you will believe it. You are special and have special qualities. Just recognize that these qualities are yours and that they make you special and any guy should die to go out with you.


Hope this helped,



If you need to talk more PM me.

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i think u should talk to him. not online but on the phone. I am kinda in the same thing as u. All i ever think about is the girl i like. I talk to her online alot. i know it isn't the same to talk to someone online. U can't tell if they are mad, happy, sad, or frustrated. I go to school with her so i talk to her alot there. u talk to him in person, it really helps alot in relationships. Try to build up some confidence and ask him online for his number. but i really would not ask him out again. i would let him come to u.....i want to ask the girl i like out but i am just going go out just as friends. Once u get his # make some plans to meet w/ him and get to know him face to face. And i really think u should ask him to prom. I went w/ the girl i like as friends and we had a blast. I think u would have a blast too. I hope i have helped u some.

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Hey, I don't think you should ask him for his number. You should give him yours so that you will know if he's interested in you or not when he calls. You see, men are like hunters, in general. They usually like to be the one to pursue the relationship. If they sense that the girl is sorta too desperate or needy, that can turn them off sometimes. Try not talking to him online for a while and then go back on after that while and see if he seems like he misses you. Or just get urself busy and then try avoiding him online and then tell him to call you so you can keep in contact. Then you won't seem too desperate. Besides, if you've already told him that you like him 2 times and he hasn't told you the same, then that could be a sign. You could save yourself a lot of grief and heartache if you let him pursue you if he likes you as well.

Be smart girl! I hope things work out for you. ALL THE BEST!!!!

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Hey guys thanks for all the replys. I just wanted to let u kno that last night he asked me to hang out sometime. We had like the best conversation ever, and Im so happy right now,. Nothing could bother me today. He was the one who asked me, which makes me sooo happy. I have told him before that we shoiuld hang out and he agreed, but this tim e he initiated it. So we'll see what happens, Im so excited its not even funny. And yes Im not going to say ne thing about liking him again, because i think its better Im friends with him first. Wow tho, after i talk to him i cant sleep. I didnt get to bed till like 3 last night, i just layed there thinkin about him.

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