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Is it possible to not trust your spouse's friends to influence them?



I THINK I know the responses, but my boyfriend just received an email from one of his closest friends about a high school reunion they are having that is 3 hours from where we are. My boyfriend's friend even mentioned two specific girls who wanted to go, which make me even more curious (both of which he claims to not have any sexual feelings for,yet I have seen pics of him kissing one on the cheek). I am nervous. My boyfriend is the type of guy to let people down easy, so even if we where to say, "I would love to, but I can't because _____," how do I learn to trust this guy? I know it is hard, but without much info, he hasn't necessarily EARNED his trust in the past couple months. The sad thing is, we have been together over a year. He is my best friend, and that is the HANDS DOWN, main reason I stay with him.

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I say if you cant trust then you have problems,


You should always have complete trust in your partner, no wondering is hes going to do this or that. It will tear you up inside if you do this to yourself. If hes going to cheat or whatever I dont think you should put blame on his friends or the girls the blame should be put on him where it belongs. If he loves you and you guys are committed to eachother then he will not cheat or want to do anything that messes up your relationship.

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