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been 'seeing' a shy guy for a few months now - although he liked me for a quite a while it took him forever to ask me out (yeah i know - in todays world of equal opportunities n' all that I could have asked him out but what can I say?!).


So the thing is he asked me out the first time but since then I've had to do all the work. asking him out on dates n' stuff. Even when i've waited a bit, to see if he'd actually do the asking for once it come down to me to ask him. He always says yes and we have a great time - I'm virtually certain that its not because he isn't interested (he's said he is and his friends have said the same) - just because he's painfully shy and scared of rejection.


Although I like him a lot, this is making me a bit fed up with him - I don't see why I should have to be the one suggesting things all the time, I liked to be asked out too! Make me feel wanted! surely he should know by now that I want to keep seeing him and I'm not going to say no if he does build up the courage to ask me for once. We're both in our 20s which makes this whole thing sound even worse! I don't think he's had a girlfriend before and I've never known anyone to act like he does.


so although i like him I wondering if this is the way its going to go for however long it lasts and should I just cut my losses now?

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Deepbluesea i think made a very strong suggestion, reading a persons body language isn't too incredible difficult, if you know what to look for, and what it all means ( example: ) Arms crossed on chest = hiding something, feelings, emotions of some kind.


Or Maybe he isn't the "Go-getter" type of guy, Unlike myself....you ever get that feeling that he doesn't really have a motivational attitude, lets everything come and go..you know what i mean.


I think you might have answered your own question here to why he is acting the way he is towards you...


just because he's painfully shy and scared of rejection


That sometimes stays with people there whole lives, and they really can't break that. Hopefully for you he will come around, and realize what he has is important, like what he has said to his friends he is interested in you, so take that and hold onto it, and be patient.


"good things come to those who wait."

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Hi liltasha,


I know exactly how you feel. I'm in the same situation for the most part, except I having to deal with a girl. It's funny how there is a slight double-standard here (a good one, though!)


We can all read your post and without any hesitation, be able to tell that this guy likes you. If the roles were reversed, as they are in my situation a fog is drawn, and nothing is for-sure.


Have a read if you haven't already, I'm curious if you have any pointers: link removed

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listen if he is shy and by all the things you say he is he is terrified to suggest something and that you will hated and then you will stop liking him I know for I'm the same type I would rather have a girl say what she wants and let her be happy than do what I want ofcourse this is wrong If you do like him talk to him and let him know that you like him but would like for him to suggest more things that he would like or both of you would enjoy you know the guy is lucky to have you he dosen't want to loose that and for this reason would rather be doing what you like than what he likes you know talkingis the hardest thing to do for a guy that is shy, shyness should be the name for someone who can't speak

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