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So easy....but yet so hard....

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Well I'm at that age old enigma of asking a girl out...so easy for some...so hard for others...only problem is that i dont know where i fall. Well i'm in 9th grade now and i'm sorta a nerd never really had a girlfriend only problem is that i'm a nerd who isn't picked or prodded or made fun of because i've been voted Class President and the popular kids have accepted me in a way as a "cool guy, who is very level headed and extremley smart" as quoted by some. Only problem is that i have a great personality when it comes to getting to know people, becoming friends, peacekeeping between friends(even settled a disput today) knowing how to communicate with everyone, just it seems as if when it comes to asking this girl i like out it all falls through the floor, shes so easy to talk to as a friend but so hard to talk to when your attempting to flirt...she knows i like her... but i dont know if she likes me...she thinks i'm a nice guy...but yet we havent known each other for too long...its very weird to me, a whole new concept to take up and i cant seem to conquer it for some reason. She's really smart which is one reason i like her and she is very good looking to me but all the guys i know (every guy in the grade almost) have mentioned nothing of even the slightest interest in her which makes me feel like i'm like 1 of a very low number that like her, making me a possible likley canidate for her to know a guy has taken interest in her (this would be her first relationship) What do ya guys think? Good chance? Rate it from 1-10 10 being the highest i can tell better what your trying to say that way. By the way she's on my student government council so it makes us sorta "on the job friends" and we talk a bit on the internet... theres a dance coming up...would this be a proper time to ask? or in school and suggest a date in a movie theatre style fashion? Last and this is just something i was wondering because lots of my friends have told me this....does this Position of power, and the fact that i'm pretty darn reliable and honest, happen to help out in this situation, i mean i know everyone thats gotta count for something right?

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This is a very easy situation. God I wish my love life were that simple. I am happy to hear that you are active in your high school, so asking a girl out should not be a problem. You are at an age where you are akward, but you really need to overcome that. Grow some balls and ask her out. Walk up to her and tell it how it is. "hey ____ I have been meaning to ask you something for a long time now, and I am new at this, and don't walk away just yet, I am nervous so bare with me....blah blah blah....well I guess what I mean is, would you be willing to go with me to the dance?" Easy and simple as that. If she says no, then she isn't right for you. Pick your self up off the floor and try again. Enjoy being young and don't focus on being serious with girls. That part comes later when your in college. THen that is the time when you need to worry about serious girlfriends. Let me know what she says.

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well emmy i thank ya for your reply but turns out i didn't need it. This other girl i know shes like my best friend that i really liked but backed away from the idea because she had a boyfriend is on the edge of relationship collaspe and is now doing her best to make it appearant to me that she likes me. shes said things like "I know you better than i know matt" (her bf) and "Your such a great guy i share a special bond with you" and her friend is trying to hint it too so i should have no problem now. lol guess things worked out with her after all.

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