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How often do people have their friends set them up on dates ?


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I was just thinking about this. People often say have your friends introduce you to someone. But I have never had any of my friends set me up on a date ever. Of course they new I was single and looking...humm

Btw I have set my friends upon at least several occasions.


have you asked them if they know any singles? don't just wait around for it to happen.

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At first, I'm inclined to say that I would NEVER have friends set me up on a date. But since I am bored, I would consider it. The only problem is the conflict-of-interest that may come from such an arrangement; I don't want anyone expecting anything out of the date except that it will be a "date". Yet nevertheless people often do put more expectations on it, especially if they have a vested interest in seeing the date a "success".


Yes, I guess the only time when I would have a friend arrange a date for me is when I'm bored and when that friend has earned my trust already. Dating can be too sensitive, even though it shouldn't be, and "entangling alliances" between "friends" "dates" can make things worse.

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