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confused.....dumped without any explanation...


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hun I am so sorry he did this to you. I am going through something similar, and I know how much it hurts. Reading your post was like reading my own feelings. This man is a coward. I know you didnt see it coming..I didnt either....they are affectionate and caring and everthing seems so wonderful, like your off to this great start and then they vanish into thin air. Its the unanswered questions and the fact that this seemingly caring, loving man could turn into a cold, callous ***hole in a moments notice that is the hardest to accept. I'm sure you've heard it already, but be glad this happened now and not after you invested months or years of your emotions and heart into him. Better to know early on what type of person he is.


I dont know why people do this, its really sick. I could never do that to someone. If its not working out, most people DO have the balls to communicate it to their partner and end things on civil terms. If this is how this guy operates, he will do the same thing to other women. Trust me.


You are beautiful, young and have alot going for you. You have alot to offer the right man. Right now, just take care of you. Cry, be angry, let yourself feel this and come here to vent.


Take care. XO

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