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Im shy, but I love him

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Im 18, and Im dating a 25 year old guy. Hes the best thing that has happened to me. Weve only been dating for a few weeks, but I love him alot, and love means alot to me. I dont say it or even think it unless I mean it. I know its crazy. But Im really shy in front of him. Im not shy when there are a bunch of people hanging out with us, but when its just me and him I am.....whats wrong? And do you think that I should not say I love you yet? Am I too young for him?


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I wouldn't tell him you love him yet. You've only known him 2 weeks. I say this for 2 reasons:


1) Well.. you've only known him 2 weeks. I always suggest one year before you commit your heart totally to someone. See their ups and downs.


2) Do you have plans for your future? Are you going to college or do you plan to be a housewife? Just wondering because you need to make sure he fits into your plans for life. You shouldn't just adapt your life to a 25 year old man without making sure you don't have unfinished business with the world.


My opinion on the matter is yes, he's too old for you (this is only MY opinion). The reason I say this is because you need to experience the world. Why not shoot for your dreams first?


But again, maybe your dream is to get married and maybe that's his dream too. If so, great. But, if not, make sure you explore the gifts that God has given you. Only then will you find the right man for your life.

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I tend to agree with router.


Two weeks is too soon to tell someone you love them. I might be the truth but that could be a step he's not willing to take right now. Also as router mentioned men at the age of 25 are usually looking for different things then women at the age of 19.


You should wait awhile before you get too serious and then talk to him about his future plans... not with you just in general. You might be surprised.


I hope this helps!

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I agree, it is my opinion that he is too old for you RIGHT NOW.... on down the road, when you have more experience under your belt, then chances are you could hook up with him, but right now, he has seen so much more than you have.... with age comes wisdom (usually!) and I'm not saying you are not intelligent because you sound very intelligent to be asking these questions and not just running out and throwing yourself at him. What I am saying is that, in my opinion, you will save yourself a lot of heartache and pain if you give yourself a chance to experience guys around your own age as you mature. I agree with the other post, he is most likely looking for something in a long time partner that you are not really capable of giving him because you are so much younger. I would maintain the friendship but not let it go any further than that.... if it has already, then it is your choice of course.......just please be careful!

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Ah-heh.... Maybe he likes the shyness? Maybe he thinks it's cute! Maybe he doesn't notice. Maybe you're making a big deal out of nothing.


But are you really shy? Or do you just find yourself at a lack for words and conversation when it's just the two of you? When there's more people around, there's more that can be said. But if the two of you have already said everything that needed saying, then enjoy the sweet silence. Spend the time looking into his eyes. You won't even notice that you're not saying anything.


As for the age...? Don't even think about it. Age means nothing when you care about each other. If "society" frowns upon it, turn up your nose at "society."

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