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Not sure I need advice, maybe just some encouragement


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Hi, I am new to the forums and posting for the first time. I have what I perceive as a fairly unique situation. And I'm sure some of you will read this and think it silly, but I guess I just need some positive encouragement. And that's what this forum is for, I think.


Some background: I have been single for 1.5 years now, my last relationship lasted about 2 years and was the most serious one by far. It took me a long while to truly feel like I moved on, but I will admit that even now, I still think about her from time to time (some sadness, but no crying in a long time). Since that break up, I have moved from Boston to SF, and then recently to Taipei, Taiwan (I have relatives here). I recently turned 26. In any case, in the time since we broke up I haven't really had any of those "butterfly" feelings towards anyone until yesterday. Let me set the scene for you:


I was out having dinner with some friends last night when the waitress asked me to help translate from Chinese to English for a customer sitting behind me. Whoa is me when I turn around and see a strikingly beautiful blonde lady seated by herself. Well, I help translate and we strike up a conversation for nearly 30 minutes. Our food comes and goes, I spend almost the whole meal with my back to my friends talking with this woman. At the end of the meal, I ask for her number and she, much to my surprise, obliges. All is good, right? Wrong. She is only in town for 2 weeks on vacation before she returns to her home in Sweden! Doh!


So, I texted her today and we ended up having dinner and talking for a couple hours. I won't say the evening was magical or anything cheesy like that, but the conversation was easy going and effortless and we had one of those awkward goodbyes at the end (not sure if I should hug you, do you want to hug me, what is the proper thing to say, etc) I know nothing will really come out of this whole thing since she leaves in another week, but I can't help the attraction that I feel towards her. I want to give her a call tomorrow and hang out again but also don't want to come on too strong. Then again, she is only in town for a short while and then I may never see her again.


What should I do? I feel like I should just call and try to make plans. What do I have to lose, right? Am I being silly? Thinking way too hard about this? It's been so long since I've felt "butterflies" that I feel like a 14 year old again. Somebody help!

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dude, keep it up while you have a shot. call her and let her know that you should hang out again before she leaves and that you had a great time. let her call you back and set it up. when you call, who knows, maybe she will say 'let's do it again tonight.' don't lose your chance man.

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Is she vacationing by herself?


Regardless, I think you should call. I love meeting locals when I am on vacation. You should offer to play tour guide for the afternoon, maybe take her to dinner at a place that is popular with locals, that sort of thing.


I think realizing that you can feel this excitement about another woman will help you a lot. This situation may not lend itself to a relationship, but it's a good jolt to realize that yes there are attractive and interesting people out there- your ex does not corner the market on that. Good luck!

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Thanks for the encouragement. I think I will give her a call tomorrow and hope she wants to meet up again.


To answer your question, Jenny, yes she is here by herself. We both have Chinese class (although at different schools near each other) in the afternoon. And yes, it's weird but exciting to feel those strange sensations about someone again. Although I've been feeling much better over the last 6 months or so, it's definitely nice to feel that connection (well, at least from my end) again.

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