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Is she interested and should I?


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Here is the story, it is somewhat long but bear with me...

There is this girl. When I was in class the first day of my junior year in high school I was sitting there. All of a sudden she walked in and I dont know why or how but i just had the feeling to look up and at her. Once I did I havent been able to get my eyes off her. I went through a year of trying to show her how much i liked her. I flirted with her a lot. I got her gifts. A lot of people knew that I liked her without even me telling them.

After a while I realized that there was no way she was going to realize it herself. This is when i knew i had to ask her and was going to ask her to prom. I ended up chickening out and not going at all. So when I went off to summer (by this time we had become pretty good friends) I had a change happen. I came back my senior year and now i am much more open and talking to everyone. Last year i was very reserved, i talked to people but only really when talked to. So now im happier.

This girl is the girl of my dreams. She isnt the hottest girl that all the guys have their jaws dropped to. She is beautiful like the fairytale asian princess. She is one of the nicest girls I have ever met. She is always there for you no matter what or who you are. She always goes out of her way to make you smile. For me this isnt a hard task. Whenever i am around her i just smile, i dont know why but she always makes me smile.

So now in my senior year since i had my "revelation", I decided that i was going to ask her out. All my friends were telling me to do it and the day or two before i was going to ask her my stupid friend decided to tell her. Now you would think I would be very angry after that but i suprisingly wasnt. And i didnt crawl into my "hole" like i would have last year. It actually had benefits. The first 2 weeks of school we talked maybe two or three times. After he told her we talked every day and hugged every other probably.

When she started talking to me everyday (going out of her way to), I started thinking maybe she liked me too. Then she started hugging me a lot and i started gaining confidence and started getting much more flirty (touchy and compliments about her, telling her she is beautiful). And now it is christmas break and this is still going on and i still havent done it. She said that she didnt really want a boyfriend but she did want a date to homecoming back when it happened. So I was walking with her and we were talking. I thought to myself, i am walking here next to her and we are alone, why am i not asking her and i did. But i was 3 hours late. And she said she didnt really want a date to homecoming anyway(she was going with a friend). So here is my dilemma

I only have half of a year left in high school and I would regret it for a long time if i dont do it. She seems like she is showing interest in me but it is hard to tell (she is very very innocent, never had a boyfriend, and may not be meaning to). Since i didnt go to homecoming with her i was thinking of asking her out for real or maybe to prom and telling her how i really feel about her. I need advice on if i should do this or not. Please also give me input on what i should say and if i should just say what i said above kind of. (Is this good? I know its early but I dont wanna miss out on the night of my life with the girl of my dreams...) Please help me out. thanks!!!

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take it nice and slow, boy. you already got her, there's nobody else near her, cos she's not the prettiest but to you she's the best


she's going for homecoming, right, with a friend? no big deal. make it a double date. get a good pal to go along, and then plan to split them up and take them home separately.


or if that's too late to organise, you can still go to homecoming. solo, but only if she promises to dance with you. man, you gotta get up the courage now. she's not going to know what to do cos she's got zero experience


and if homecoming is off, just date her. there are lots of places to go, things to do, movies to watch. if you can't get a move on, then prepare to watch her slip away. and even when you date, you have to move slow. if she's interested in more, i am sure you won't be blind to the signs.


good luck!

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