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Why are things so messed up


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So I hung out with my ex last night. I honestly did not have as much fun as I thought I would. It was very weird. I can see how much he is changing doing the 12 steps and preaching and I do not like it. I like that it is helping his life, but it just seems a little drastic. He preaches it is the only way to cure his crazy way of thinking. So when I left I was like I can totally be friends with this person and it would bother me at first he was dating I do not think I want to be with this crazy person. YET TODAY I MISS HIM as he has not contacted me. Is it that I do not think I can have him anymore. The almost 5 years together or what????? I can do so much better!!!!!

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Of course you can do better. We all know whats wrong with what were doing, but, at the same time we love people...and sometimes the pain of being cut off from them is worse than the pain of what they do to us.


Im like this, if my break bf contacts me I feel ok, when he doesnt I get panicky and worried. Its a horrible feeling.


It does sound a bit cultish, maybe with luck if he changes too much you'll stop loving him and you'll be able to move on.


Are you seeing him soon?

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