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This will be kind of a long one but i will make it as short as possible.


i started seeing thisw girl who turned out to be engaged... she wanted it to just be a good lay when she got "horny" and that is all... i have never been good with just a lay and only like relationships but thought i would give it a try(rather disrespectful on my part, i will admit)... we ended up falling head over heals for eachother... i have never met a girl who, although she was doing so much more with her life than i was, could make me feel so special and loved... she came to me one day and said she left her fiancee for me, at first i got a little "cold footed" but then i realized what i had with her and we started dating. she began to stress me out because she had let the stress get to her so i broke up wioth her for about a week. when she had learned to take things in stride like she did when we first met and i fel in love with her for we started dating. then, right before she went on leave(we are military) when she was supposed to get mearried. she broke up with me beause she didnt know what was going to happen when she got home. while she was on the road she was txtin me and she apologize for leavin me and expressed just how badly she wanted to be with me. so i txt her every morning and night a simple"good night/morning. i love you sweetheart". she hasnt responded to any of them. on top of that i sent quite a few long txts telling her how i feel.


i know this is a bad sign. i will be happy for her if she comes back married and is happy. however it is killing me not to know what to expect, which i have told her in txts. i just wish i knew why it kills me so badly and what i can do to make it stop. all my friends have told me that i seem depressed and, although i tell them i am fine, i am very depressed. i just want this heart break to go away.


i am in the military and have spent time in war zones with out a care in the world... this should not make me feel so depressed. if anyone know what i can do please let me know...

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I know you can't help what your heart feels...if we could, our lives would be a lot easier.


But seriously... she's messin with you. She supposedly broke up with her "fiancee" to be with you, and then right before she goes on leave she breaks up with you because 'she doesn't know what's gonna happen when she gets home". Bulls***, she doesn't.


And even so, you don't want to be with someone who can't pick between you and someone else. You want to be with someone that wants you and only you.


Annnnnnnnd, she's a cheating hussy! She cheated on someone to be with you. Don't you think she'd cheat on you, too? Especially if you're in the military and one of you gets deployed for a year or something. Do you want to spend that year wondering who she's getting "a good lay" from?


Think about it...

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Annnnnnnnd, she's a cheating hussy! She cheated on someone to be with you. Don't you think she'd cheat on you, too? Especially if you're in the military and one of you gets deployed for a year or something. Do you want to spend that year wondering who she's getting "a good lay" from?


Think about it...



That's some damn sound advice HighlyUpset. Once a cheater... always...

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