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How long do you like "it?"


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So, general question. What is your ideal time for sex ... like, how long do you like for it to last? I am sure the guys are going to say all night ... forever ... yeah, yeah, No! Lol.


Me, I'm good with 30 minutes. An hour OK. Anything beyond that and I am like "Okay get off me now."


Sure, I don't want no minute man but I don't need a two.....threee.....four.....five, whatever man! Hahahaha.


Lets talk!

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Not counting foreplay, like 15 minutes. Any longer and my abs start hurting, I get bored liek "Ok, it feels the same as it did 10 minutes ago, and I can only moan so much and mean it".


Haha am I wrong for thinking like htat?

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Great thread! Um...for me I would say that 20 minutes is pretty good. My hubby has gone for like 45 minutes or longer and eventually I just start thinking about things I have to do at work or someone I forgot to call etc. etc. Its not that he isnt good because he's fantastic but it seriously *does* all feel the same after awhile. Like, once I've had an orgasm I'm pretty much ready to call it quits but sometimes he just keeps going and going and going and going...yup...like the energizer battery and not in a good way

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Great thread! Um...for me I would say that 20 minutes is pretty good. My hubby has gone for like 45 minutes or longer and eventually I just start thinking about things I have to do at work or someone I forgot to call etc. etc. Its not that he isnt good because he's fantastic but it seriously *does* all feel the same after awhile. Like, once I've had an orgasm I'm pretty much ready to call it quits but sometimes he just keeps going and going and going and going...yup...like the energizer battery and not in a good way


exactly ... after so long ... its like i said "ok get off me now." LOL.

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no MG, not sex with ourselves!! ahahahahahahha!


Oh! Well in that case, I would say 15-30 minutes would be cool.


However I must add that since I haven't had any in ages and probably won't get any for the next two or three lifetimes, I would probably die from anything longer than 4 minutes. LOL

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