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Ok, can't sleep!


I'm posting this in healing because I am still in the procces of......


Started off I text him at work because he got his exam results today and he actually rang me!!!!!!!!!!!


First time we have spoken in nearly 4 months!


The first thing he did was talk about his results, he was a little drunk and full of energy. Very happy. Ecstatic to be precise.


First thing he asked me was, "How's your love life?!" WOW! I said, "It is what it is, and its none of your business!"


He told me that he had made a life changing decision, that he was going to do an additional year at uni, gain his RSA (which is like a license to work all over the world), then "F off to Dubai!" When we first got together, he decided that now that he had finally found "the one" he wasn't going to do that. He started looking for a home for us in our home town and everything..................HUGE DECISION TURN AROUND OR WHAT???


He teased me for a while, (spent a whole 45 mins on the phone), then told me his mum is still very, very ill and needs a makor operation. He got a bit emotional so I changed the subject. He then told me that he loves my mum, and that she is one of the most amazing people he has ever met. Then he said all these lovely things about the relationship, asked me how I was and then said, "You and your mum.... You are both great, great people."


Someone came into the offfice so I had to go. He text me a few minutes later to say that if I wanted to meet him for a drink tonight, he knows where to find him..... I text back I had to work.


He text me a couple of hours ago to say that I should ring him or text him if I wanna meet him. Then went on to say he is always in the new bar in town if I'm out I should look for him.


How CRAZY has today been for me???

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Ah, he's jubilant, triumphant, lonely, horny.... DRUNK!


Drunk dialing his ex and crying about his mother then your mother... yeah, great time had by all...


And he's taking another year of school then flying off to Dubai? Yes, delaying being a responsible adult yet again.


Do you think he's a different person? And are you a different person? And are you ready for another turn in the bucket?


Bah! he calls you after 4 months and wants to come over for a nice shag.

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Ah, he's jubilant, triumphant, lonely, horny.... DRUNK! Drunk dialing his ex and crying about his mother then your mother... yeah, great time had by all...


It wasn't really like that. He spoke mostly about uni, got a bit choked up about his mum, but there was no horny talk or anything. He's made up about his degree but he didn't pressure me to meet him or anything. He text me a eek ago sober just to see how an interview went.



And he's taking another year of school then flying off to Dubai? Yes, delaying being a responsible adult yet again.


Couldn't agree with you more. Its like he is distracting himself from something, and I'm not tlking about me, I just don't think he likes to be responsible for anyone but himself. Still being selfish. In all honestythough, I can't see him flying anywhere. He won't leave his mum to move to another country..... he hasn't even left home yet and he's 34!


Do you think he's a different person? And are you a different person? And are you ready for another turn in the bucket?


I don't think he has changed at all. Still masking his feelings with all the bravardo! He sounded very nervous, and like he wanted to provoke areaction out of me.


As for me, yeah, I've changed..... sorry, improved. I know what he is like, and what life will be like if we tried again. He needed to change and that phone call proves to me that he is the same. I am seeing myself in new relationships, not returning to old ones.



Bah! he calls you after 4 months and wants to come over for a nice shag.


Firstly, the shafg would't be nice it would be INCREDIBLE! I am a good little goer


To be honest it seriously wasn't like a booty call. He wasn't slurring his words, he was jst merry, and I think the dutch courage made him call. He has never looked at me like a one night stand, he knows he wouldn't get one out of me!

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Ha ha! I am going to have the best summer EVER! I am just gonna go out, act like a 26 year old and not worry about things I can't control.


I have been on ENA for 3 months now, reading threads about ex's turning up/ showing interest after you finally accept its over - here I am!


Going on the date with new guy on Friday, he's taking me to a countryside bistro. Really looking forward to it!


I wonder what the ex would think........? You know what? I actually don't care!

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