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How Do I Know


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There's this girl at school and I really like her but it hard to tell if she likes me. When we were younger she really liked me but now i really like her. It seems that she gives me signals but I'm not sure if there the right ones. She always asks me to come with her, she looks at me funny, and she always laughs a little things. But the only thing wrong is that I'm told that she acts like that for everyone. Can someone give me some suggestions on what I should look for.

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i think u should start off by asking her go to lunch..see how things go during lunch...if things feel right and she is responding to you in a good way, then u should ask her to a movie...but if lunch didn't go as u had hoped...then u should just stay friends with her. Make sure that u don't get stuck on one girl, if lunch turns out to be a bad one, then u should just not concentrate on her as much...there are plenty of girls out there and if u get stuck with this one then u might lose your chance with a lot of other great girls out there...so just go with lunch first then use your best judgement by the way she reacts and responds to you during lunch....after that....u make your move....


good luck

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Being attracted is a funny thing. Yeah, I would take over the suggestion to take her to lunch. Talk to her about her interests and give your points of view and things that interest you.


In addition you could also walk by a few times, giving her a few nice compliments, like: "Wow... you smell good!" or "Wow... I like your sweater!" ... girls loooveeee to be complimented on... *smiles*. Don't stop to have a word, leave her behind wondering about you. She'll come to you and if not, you just stop after a few days and have a chit/chat with her.


On a final note: don't worry over being rejected. You just didn't match this time. Next time you'll do better ...


I hope this was of help and I sure wish you good luck and lots of fun!


~ SwingFox ~

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Its just that I'm not that sure if i should ask her to lunch becuase I don't want to if she doesn't like me. Today I was talking to her and her friend said the only reason I liked the sudject was because she liked it. All she didn't do mothing and she just kept talking to me. Usually if someone tells her someone likes her she stops talking tho them for a while till she forgets they said anything. The thing I'm wondering if she likes me again and if there is anything else I can look for.

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  • 2 months later...

I was in the same situation. I liked a girl Freshman year in High School and she liked me back. I'm certain she did, it was that stare, from accross the room that would go away once you looked back at her. Yet... I did nothing. Basically, all I did was say "hi" to her. I was way to afriad to make a move. Unfortunetly, I don't have a happy ending. As time went on, all the way to Senior year (yes, a 4 year crush) I began talking to her (we had, in fact HAVE 2 classes together). She seemed to be flirting for a bit, and we talked pretty often. Maybe I'm really bad with the signs, but I was certain she liked me. So... I told her I liked her... since Freshman year. Apparently, she didn't like this. I don't know what I did wrong. She suddenly stopped talking to me. Ignoring me. Two of my friends (both girls) said they thought it was adorable that I had a crush on her that long. She didn't think so. I have yet to speak to her with the exception of papers being passed in class. She wasn't worth.


I'd hate to scare you but just be careful. At least now that it couldn't have blossomed into a good relationship. If I hadn't told her, I would've gone on wondering. Even with the bad parts, its worth it just to go for it.

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  • 1 month later...

If you haven't asked her to lunch yet and you plan on it....make sure that she is facing the rest of the room, you face the wall, this way, she is the center of attention to you. Just maintain eye contact and such, listen to what she says and don't lie about liking a subject, if she says she likes softball and you don't, BUT you like basketball, tell her your not a big fan of softball, your more of a basketball player, stick on the subject, but don't ruin the moment. BESIDES the worst that can happen is if she says no. However, rejection is hard to deal with. I have had to deal with it 3 times. Good Luck man.

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