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For You Dad


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You taught me how to throw a ball,

we went outside to do bird calls,

and used to watch the deer next to the house.


You saw me struggle at birth,

my brush with death as a premmie baby,

my life hanging in the balance.


I ran into things,

I ate from the floor,

my face was a mess,

my hand barely reaching the door.


But as I grew older

we drifted apart.

You were always working,

and were sort of there.


Then my world fell around me

when you and mom split,

and my brother left too.

I thought everything was my fault.


Throughout those years,

even though you live 10 minutes away

we were still not that close.


So here I am now,

writing this here to you.

Trying to get back what we had in the past,

a love that will always last.


We have had our differences,

our fights,

but I still love you dad

and that will never change.


Musicguy© June-2008

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