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I think that's the book that made my friend turn vegetarian in highschool


I think you're thinking of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (it's about about meat processing in the early 1900's-very gritty stuff). Slaughterhouse 5 is mostly about WWII, but it's a Vonnegut book-the most accurate description you can get it is to read it.


It's not necessarily the text itself I struggle with, its just that it requires a fair bit of input and dedication and I usually have trouble finding the time to put that effort in.


But I'm anticipating this crazy speech now.


Hahahaha-I'm fighting my way through the infamous John Galt speech right now! I think there should be a badge or something at the end of this book for making it all the way through. It is an amazing book & I agree with someone else that all politicians should have to read it, but it's not beach reading-you really have to sit down & absorb it.


To the beach, I'm taking The Stone Rose & The Nighmare of Black Island out of the Doctor Who series.

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