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Last week I read two Saul Bellow novels, Dangling Man and The Victim. Both were so engrossing I read Ravelstein yesterday and will pick up Augie March and Herzog this week.

For an old guy, he can really write.


Somewhere I read Artie Lange's Too Fat to Fish. A fluffy celeb indulgence by Howard Stern's sidekick. Self-indulgent slob without pretense.


Not much on TV lately.

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Reading frenzy this weekend. I'm so happy that I felt so inspired as to read as much as I have. Haven't had this in years.


I read "twilight, finished "the omnivores dilemma", "Brisingr", read half of "Freakonimcs", and got about 50 pages into "the prophet".


I also made a list of all the books I own but haven't read. It's only 16 books (I'm counting the Narnia cronicles as one book and the hitchhikers guide as one book). I thought for sure it'd be in the 30's.

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