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I recently posted my entire story earlier so I dont feel like explaining it but long story short my ex and I broke up about 4 days ago, we decided to keep our distance for a good week to get a real break before trying to figure out what to do about our house and dog, etc. Unfortunately NC is not an option because we have a 4month old daughter. My dilema though is how to act when I drop her off or see him at our mutual friends graduation parties? I said my peace already and basically have the upper hand but its hard seeing him and not falling apart. I am strong when I don't see and wish I could go NC but when I see him its like I have no control over what I say any advice would be well appreciated.........

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Stay strong or youll have us to deal with!!!


Keep conversation to a minimum and only about your daughter. Say you have to rush off or you need to return a call, anything that means you wont have to stay longer than is necessary. And break down when you are out.


I had to work with my ex, and I used to break down on the way home. It was horrible. So I know what its like, in a way. And I know it is possible to keep it together. Im not the strongest person in the world, and if I can do it, you can do it! Then come here and vent!

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of course, he will always be welcome in her life, he is a great father just not that great of a boyfriend right now. I am not the type to cause a big scene and we both agree that we never want to fight in front of her ,but i guess when I see him I just have to be strong, at least till I leave.............I also have to work on holding my tongue and go with the flow......I know it will get easier its just so weird having a best friend and companion in your life and then a week later acting like complete strangers with this amazing baby holding us together.

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