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so hard....please help me be strong


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I posted before so many of you know my boyfriend broke up with me...he wanted space, time and the whole commitment issues scared him. Anyway, its been going on over 2 weeks..... I just want to text him and tell him I miss him, but I am unsure if this will push him away. I am trying to be strong through this, but its so hard. I saw him 1 week after we broke up and he hugged me and I told him I missed him, and he told me he missed me too....I am sure he knows but this is so hard.....Please help!

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I know its hard sweetheart but the best thing to do is respect his decision and give him space. If you do this there still may be a possibly since he just needs space. Maybe he has some personal things going on, maybe he felt smothered or maybe its the relationships last breath. The best thing though is NC. This will let him think things over but in the mean time i suggest you focus on the worst case senario that you two may never get back together. Start grieving, keeping busy and focus on the moving on attitude. I know its hard but its honestly the only thing you can do now. If you do contact him your risking pushing him away further and your also making yourself look weak.

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Space...how many of us have heard that line before? If they want space, tell them to go work for NASA. They send stuff into space all the time.


Doesn't anyone talk through their issues anymore? It seems people just bolt at the first sign of things becoming difficult.

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Don’t do it! It will only make you feel worse when he doesn’t tell you that he misses you or that he doesn’t want you back.


You don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you too. Let him figure out whatever it is that he needs to, and give him the space to do so. Contacting him – especially since he ended things – will not make him miss you more.


Stay strong. Keep posting here and everyone will get you through it.

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Hey ashlynn


Hun - I know it is as hard as hell but you have to not contact him. You have to put a lid on this and let things settle down.


He already knows that you miss him so what are you going to achieve by contacting him again, do you think. What response do you think you will get if you contact him? Nothing that will benefit you is my wager - it'd just set you back and make you feel weak and feeble.


You have to be strong in this for you. He needs to truly experience what it is like to not have you in his life. How can he miss you if you haven't gone anywhere?


Keep posting on here instead of contacting him darling - it will be for the best in the long run.



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Hi Ashlynn,


I know it is so hard, all you can do is try to keep your mind busy, keep coming back on here & talking to us. I find reading the posts help too. Drew is right, if he wants space, you have to give it to him. It will give you both a chance to clear your heads & rediscover yourselves a little as well.


I am finding it super hard today as well. Chat anytime & keep your chin up.

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